Future Curricular Trends in School Algebra And Geometry

Proceedings of A Conference

Edited by:
Zalman Usiskin, The University of Chicago
Kathleen Andersen
Nicole Zotto

A volume in the series: Research in Mathematics Education. Editor(s): Denisse R Thompson, University of South Florida. Mary Ann Huntley, Cornell University. Christine Suurtamm, University of Ottawa.

Published 2010

This volume contains papers from the Second International Curriculum Conference sponsored by the Center for the Study of Mathematics Curriculum (CSMC). The intended audience includes policy makers, curriculum developers, researchers, teachers, teacher trainers, and anyone else interested in school mathematics curricula.

Preface. Introduction. Early Algebraic Thinking: The Case of Equivalence in an Early Algebraic Context, Elizabeth Warren. A Brief Essay on the Need to Consider the “Superficial” Aspects of Learning Algebra, Romulo Lins. Early Algebra, Maria Blanton. A Davydov Approach to Early Mathematics, Barbara J. Dougherty. Technology and the Yin and Yang of Teaching and Learning Mathematics, Bernhard Kutzler. CAS and the Future of the Algebra Curriculum, Kaye Stacey. Algebra in the Age of CAS: Implications for the High School Curriculum Examples from the CME Project, Al Cuoco. A Perspective on the Future of Computer Algebra Systems in School Algebra, M. Kathleen Heid. Three-Dimensional Citizens Do not Deserve a Flatlanders’ Education: Curriculum and 3-D Geometry, Claudi Alsina. Manipulating 3-D Objects in a Computer Environment, Jean-Marie Laborde. Algebra and Geometry, from Two to Three Dimensions, Thomas F. Banchoff. Thoughts on Elementary Students’ Reasoning about 2-D Arrays of Cubes and Polyhedra, Michael T. Battista. Linking Geometry and Algebra in the School Mathematics Curriculum, Keith Jones. Linking Geometry and Algebra through Dynamic and Interactive Geometry, Colette Laborde. Linking Algebra and Geometry: The Dynamic Geometry Perspective, Nicholas Jackw. Linking Algebra and Geometry in the Interactive Mathematics Program, Diane Resek. Making Future Trends Realities in U.S. Classrooms, Diane J. Briars. Tools, Technologies, and Trajectories, Douglas H. Clements. Future Trends in School Algebra and Geometry: Reflections on the Vision of Experts, James Fey. Thoughts from a Classroom Teacher, Jim Mamer. Restoring and Balancing, William McCallum. Insights into Dynamic Mathematical Learning Environments, Sarah J. Hicks, Melissa D. McNaught, and J. Matt Switzer. Instrumental Genesis and Future Research in School Algebra and Geometry, Daniel J. Ross. Closing Remarks, Zalman Usiskin. Conference Program and Biographies of Presenters.