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Committing to Action
Socially Just Leadership Education
Kathy L. Guthrie, Florida State University; Vivechkanand S. Chunoo, Florida State University; Brittany Devies, Florida State University

Beyond Exchange
Revisiting Leadership as a Relationship
Olga Epitropaki, Durham University Business School, Durham University, UK; Robin Martin, Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK

Boundary-Spanning in School-University Partnerships
Kristien Zenkov, George Mason University; Drew Polly, UNC Charlotte; Lin Rudder, Lightridge High School; George Mason University

Contemporary Perspectives in Data Mining
Volume 5
Kenneth D. Lawrence, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Ronald Klimberg, Saint Joseph’s University

Developing an Intersectional Consciousness and Praxis
Moving Toward Antiracist Efforts in Higher Education
Jonathan A. McElderry, Elon University; Stephanie Hernandez Rivera, Elon University

Dismantling Spaces of Silence in Social Science Education
Eric B. Claravall, California State University, Sacramento; Jessica Ferreras-Stone, Western Washington University

Educating About/for Food Security Through Environmental Education
An Account of Integration Practices in Teacher Education Programs Across Ontario, Canada
Alishia A. Valeri