Alan Jones
Dr. Alan C. Jones is an educational consultant specializing in curriculum, instruction, and instructional leadership. His teaching career includes teaching English at DuSable Upper Grade Center, Chicago, Illinois, social studies at Thornton Township High School in Harvey, Illinois, and educational administration at Saint Xavier University, Chicago, Illinois. He began his administrative career as an activities director at Thornton Township High School and went on to become assistant principal at Bremen Township in Illinois and served as principal of Community High School District 94 in West Chicago, Illinois, for seventeen years. Under his leadership, Community High School was awarded the Blue Ribbon School of Excellence in 1993 and was recognized as a 1995 School of Excellence by HISPANIC magazine. His publications include articles in educational journals on instructional leadership and school reform and three books: Students! Do Not Push Your Teacher Down the Stairs on Friday: A Teacher’s Notebook (Quadrangle Books, 1972), Becoming A Strong Instructional Leader: Saying No to Business as Usual (Teachers College Press, 2012), and Teaching Matters Most: A School Leader’s Guide to Improving Classroom Instruction (Corwin Books, 2012).
- Administration
- Black Studies
- Cultural Psychology
- Curriculum
- Distance Learning
- Early Childhood Education
- Education
- Education in Mathematics
- Education Reform
- Education Research
- Educational Leadership
- Educational Psychology
- Evaluation
- Gender & Diversity
- Higher Education
- History of Education
- International & Comparative Education
- Language & Literacy
- Leadership
- Learning & Instruction
- Management
- Mathematics
- Multicultural Education
- Organizational Behavior
- Policy & Politics of Education
- Psychology
- Social Context of Education
- Social Education
- Social Justice
- Teacher Education
- Technology
- Urban Education