Edmund Hamann
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Dr Edmund 'Ted' Hamann is a Professor in the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) and an affiliated researcher with the Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios de Educación y Superación de Pobreza (CIESESP) at the Universidad de Monterrey (México). In 2005 he accepted an appointment at UNL in education policy and practice after a six-year stint at the Northeast and Islands Regional Educational Laboratory at Brown University. He earned his Ph.D. in Education from the University of Pennsylvania in 1999 and his M.A. in Anthropology in 1995 from the University of Kansas. He is author/co-author of "Education in the New Latino Diaspora" (2002), "The Educational Welcome of Latinos in the New South" (2003), and "Alumnos Transnacionales: Escuelas Mexicanas Frente a la Globalización" (2009). He has also published more than 50 refereed articles and book chapters in Education Policy, the Handbook on Latinos and Education, JESPAR, the High School Journal, Anthropology & Education Quarterly, the Journal on Latinos and Education, and Comparative Education Review among others.
- Administration
- Black Studies
- Cultural Psychology
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- Distance Learning
- Early Childhood Education
- Education
- Education in Mathematics
- Education Reform
- Education Research
- Educational Leadership
- Educational Psychology
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- Policy & Politics of Education
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- Social Context of Education
- Social Education
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- Teacher Education
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- Urban Education