Marilyn Johnston-Parsons
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
I am currently a professor in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. My current research interests include educational reform related to teacher education and social studies education particularly related to issues of social justice and diversity. I use socio-cultural, post-colonial, and post-structural feminist perspectives to frame my research. I recently published a book with teachers from an urban school in Columbus, Ohio. The book, entitled Success Stories From a Failing School: Teachers Living Under the Shadow of NCLB, describes the ways in which learning successes happen daily in a school that is labeled "failing" by their test scores. The teachers describe the pressures and effects of narrowly defined accountability measures on their professional identities and teaching practices.
I am also interested in collaborative research methodologies, urban education, action/teacher research and self-study. I regularly do action research/self-studies of my own teaching.
Dialogue and Difference in a Teacher Education Program
A 16-Year Sociocultural Study of a Professional Development School
2012Marilyn Johnston-Parsons, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Success Stories From a Failing School
Teachers Living Under the Shadow of NCLB
2007Marilyn Johnston-Parsons, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Melissa Wilson, The Ohio State University; Jeff Bernardi; Martha Bowling; Marilyn Karl; Elizabeth Lloyd; Melanie McCualsky; Gerrie McManamon; Andrew Nash; Robert Owens; Steve Schack
- Administration
- Black Studies
- Cultural Psychology
- Curriculum
- Distance Learning
- Early Childhood Education
- Education
- Education in Mathematics
- Education Reform
- Education Research
- Educational Leadership
- Educational Psychology
- Evaluation
- Gender & Diversity
- Higher Education
- History of Education
- International & Comparative Education
- Language & Literacy
- Leadership
- Learning & Instruction
- Management
- Mathematics
- Multicultural Education
- Organizational Behavior
- Policy & Politics of Education
- Psychology
- Social Context of Education
- Social Education
- Social Justice
- Teacher Education
- Technology
- Urban Education