Simon Hayhoe
Bath University / London School of Economics
Simon is the Lecturer in Education, University of Bath. He is also a centre research associate in the Centre for the Philosophy of Natural and Social Science, the London School of Economics. Both are based in the UK.
Simon's PhD is from Birmingham University and his MEd is from Leicester University. Both degrees were funded by university scholarships. Previously, he was a school teacher and head of academic department in the UK, and a member of faculty at Sharjah Women's College, United Arab Emirates. In intervening years, he has also researched educational attainment with London University and Toronto University, and was a Fellow of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. The latter post was sponsored by a Fulbright All Disciplines Award.
Simon has written three previous research monographs, the first two on blindness and the third on research methodology. His single authored articles also appear in journals, such as special issues of the Harvard Educational Review, British Journal of Visual Impairment, and Disability Studies Quarterly. He has also published numerous book chapters in collected works, and is one of the series editors of the last two volumes of e-Learning in Action.
Professionally, Simon is a Fellow of the British Computer Society (FBCS), a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA). He is also a member of the British Fulbright Scholars Association and US State Department International Exchange Alumni, and is on the Membership Committee of the British Computer Society. He has served on the program committees of Cinemas without Barriers (Milan), the British Computer Society's International Conference (Abu Dhabi) and the International Conference on Enabling Access for Persons with Visual Impairment (Athens). He is also involved with the following charities in a consultative capacity: Art Beyond Sight (New York, US), The Beyond Sight Foundation (Mumbai, India) and SonoKids (Netherlands / Australia).
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