Positive Psychology in Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility
Edited by:
Robert A. Giacalone, Temple University
Carole L. Jurkiewicz, Louisiana State University
Craig Dunn, San Diego State University
A volume in the series: Ethics in Practice. Editor(s): Robert A. Giacalone, Texas State University. Carole L. Jurkiewicz, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs.
Published 2006
The goal of this volume is to begin to create those critical linkages between positive psychological attributes and relevant research areas. Undoubtedly, there are many topics in positive psychology that could not be covered in just one volume, and many more topical linkages to business ethics and social responsibility that need to be made. While much research yet needs to be done in this nascent area, we hope that much as other volumes on positive psychology served as an impetus for research in social psychology (see Snyder & Lopez, 2002) and organizational behavior (Cameron, Dutton, & Quinn, 2003), this volume will ignite scientific interest in the role positive psychology plays in key areas such as ethics and social responsibility. As the study of positive psychology continues to emerge more fully, it may well help us to better comprehend the impact of this paradigm on predicting ethical decision making, organizational citizenship, and social responsibility toward the end of creating more positive and productive workplaces in general.
Foreword. A Positive Organizational Behavior Approach to Ethical Performance, Carolyn M. Youssef and Fred Luthans. Positive Psychology of Leading Corporate Citizenship, Sandra Waddock. Toward a Theory of Ethical and Spiritual Well-Being, and Corporate Social Responsibility through Spiritual Leadership, Louis W. Fry. Whistle-Blowing and Positive Psychology, Marcia P. Miceli and Janet P. Near. Executive Influence on Ethical Culture: Self Transcendence, Differentiation, and Integration, Jeanne M. Logsdon and John E. Young. Leading through Positive Deviance: A Developmental Action Learning Perspective on Institutional Change, Pacey C. Foster and William R. Torbert. Phoenix Rising: Positive Consequences Arising from Organizational Crisis, Judith A. Clair and Ronald L. Dufresne. Positive Agency, Barry M. Mitnick. “That at Which All Things Aim”: Happiness, Wellness and the Ethics of Organizational Life, James O. Pawelski and Isaac Prilleltensky. The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Ethical Decision Making at Work, Robert S. Rubin and Ronald E. Riggio. Self-Control and Business Ethics: How Strengthening the Self Benefits the Corporation and the Individual, Matthew T. Gailliot and Roy F. Baumeister. The Ethics of Hope: A Guide for Social Responsibility in Contemporary Business, Hal S. Shorey, Kevin L. Rand and C. R. Snyder. Forgiveness and Positive Psychology in Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility, Everett L. Worthington Jr., Jack W. Berry, Victoria A. Shivy and Evan Browstein.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook9781607526681

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