Forging Alliances in Community and Thought

Edited by:
Irma N. Guadarrama, University of Texas - Pan Am

A volume in the series: Research in Professional Development Schools and School-University Partnerships. Editor(s): JoAnne Ferrara, Manhattanville College. Ronald Beebe, University of Houston -Downtown. Drew Polly, UNC Charlotte.

Published 2002

Acknowledgments. Introduction. PART I: EXPLORING THEORETICAL PARADIGMS AND CONTEXTUALIZING THE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SCHOOL. The Status of Early Theories of Professional Development School Potential. C. Mantle-Bromley. Implementing and Researching Teacher Education Programs in PDSs: A Focus on Authenticity. Gay Goodman. PART II: RESEARCH ON IMPLEMENTATION AND COLLABORATION: PROFILES THAT ADVANCE OUR UNDERSTANDING OF PDSs. Village of Learners: Collaborative Research at a Professional Development School. Dorothy V. Craig. Building an Inquiry Oriented PDS: The Journey. Nancy Fitchman Dana and Diane Yendol Silva. Professional Development Schools and Special Education: How Can We Help Each Other Meet Our Goals?. Margaret P. Weiss and Daniel J. Boudah. Paradigm Pioneers: A Professional Development School Collaborative for Special Education Teacher Candidates. Barbara C. Glaeser, Belinda D. Karge, Judy Smith, and Christine Weatherill. Professional Development Sites and Student Teaching Placements. Myrna D. Cohen and Janice L. Nath. Studying Preservice Teachers Immersed in a Paideia-Focused Professional Development School Experience. Barbara Levin. Using Video Reflection in the Preparation of Preservice Teachers. Norene Lowery. Interprofessional Training and Service Provision in a Professional Development School. John P. Galassi, John Brantley, Gary Shaffer, and Barbara Myers. How an Integrated Unit Increased Student Achievement in a High School PDS. John Fischetti and Ann Larson. Principals as a Learning Community: A Case Study. William Malloy. Learning From Each Other in a Professional Development School Collaboration. Karen Higgins. An Introduction to Teacher Preparation at Holt High School: One View From the Partner University. Tom Bird. Holt High School’s Professional Development Initiative. Mary E. deWolf and Dean Manikas. Experiencing the Internship From the nside: An Intern’s Perspective. Alyssa Rickard. Facilitating Educative Experiences for the Intern: The Role of the University Instructor. Cathy J. Siebert. PART III: RESOLVING PROBLEMS, PROPOSING SOLUTIONS: TOWARD A RESEARCH AGENDA THAT STRENGTHENS PDSs. Collaborating for Urban School and Teacher Education Renewal: Perspectives on the Development of a School-University Partnership. Zhixin Su. Facilitators of and Barriers to the Collaboration Process in Professional Development Schools: Results of a Meta-ethnography. Elizabeth K. Hess Rice and Heather Afman. About the Contributors.