Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue

Vol. 10 # 1 & 2

Edited by:
Barbara Slater Stern, James Madison University

A volume in the series: Curriculum & Teaching Dialogue. Editor(s): Bradley Conrad, Capital University. Crystal D. Howell, Randolph College. Cristy Sellers, Pacific University.

Published 2008

Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue is the journal of the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum (AATC). An important historical event in the development of organizations dealing with the scholarly field of teaching and curriculum was the founding of the AATC on October 1, 1993. The members of the AATC believed that the time was long overdue to recognize teaching and curriculum as a basic field of scholarly study, to constitute a national learned society for the scholarly field of teaching and curriculum (teaching is the more inclusive concept; curriculum is an integral part of teaching–the "what to teach" aspect).

Since that AATC has produced scholarship in teaching and curriculum and serve the general public through its conferences, journals, and the interaction of its members. The purpose of the organization as originally defined in Article 1, Section 2 of the AATC Constitution: “To promote the scholarly study of teaching and curriculum; all analytical and interpretive approaches that are appropriate for the scholarly study of teaching and curriculum shall be encouraged.”

Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue seeks to fulfill that mission.

The President’ Message, Karen L. Riley. The Editor’s Notes: Searching for Truth(s), Barbara Slater Stern. PART I: The Games People Play: Educational Scholarship and School Practice, Alan W. Garrett. Teacher and Parent Beliefs on Tracking: A Taiwanese Perspective, Kai-Ju Yang. The Case for Social Skills Training in the Primary School Curriculum: A Follow up Study of Attention and Theory of Mind Skills in First Grade Boys, Mary E. McGlamery and Steven E. Ball. Project Teach: Using Reality Shows as a Framework for Teaching Methods Courses, Jacqueline Bach. “I Don’t Eat White:” The Transformational Nature of Student Teaching Abroad, Christine Moseley Stacy Reeder and Neill Armstrong. At the Crossroads of Preservice Teacher Education, NAEA, and Terry Barrett: Exploring Metaphors of Meaning, Narratives of Hope, Heidi C. Mullins. How Doctoral Mentoring Supported A Cultural Transformation from Peripheral Observer to Active Learner: Learning to Teach and Research From Suzanne Wilson, Yonghee Suh. The Con/text of Mary Sheldon Barnes (1850–1898): A Hermeneutic Inquiry, Benjamin H. Welsh and Nancy J. Brooks. Citizens of Today and Tomorrow: An Exploration of Preservice Social Studies Teachers’ Knowledge and Their Professors’ Experiences With Citizenship, Chara Haeussler Bohan, Frans Doppen, Joseph Feinberg, and Carolyn O’Mahony. Service-Learning: What Motivates K-12 Teachers to Initiate Service-Learning Projects? Marjori M. Krebs. PART II: The Story Behind the Presentation: Forrest Gump and Un-cloistered Scholarship, Carl Glickman. Perspectives on the Pedagogy of Democracy, William H. Schubert. Connections, Constructions and Collages: Initiating Dialogues on Diversity in Teacher Education Courses, Pamela B. Thompson and Richard L. Biffle. Resistance at City Middle School: Critical Race Theorizing in Educational Research, Amy L. Masko. Giving Beyond Care: An Exploration of Love in the Classroom, Kevin Cloninger. Enacted Curriculum and the Search for Identity: Angst and the Cuban Search for Meaning After the Cuban Revolution, David Cajello-Perez. Leveraging Eclectic Arts as a Rationale for Multiple Modes of Inquiry, Brian D. Schultz. A Romance with Narrative Inquiry: Toward an Act of Narrative Theorizing, Jeong-Hee Kim. Birds of a Feather? Communities of Practice and Knowledge Communities, Mark Seaman. BOOK REVIEW: Transdimensional Curriculum: A review of The SAGE Handbook of Curriculum and Instruction, Robert Boostrom. Reviewer Acknowledgments. About the Authors. Call for Manuscripts.

"The volume is user-friendly, certainly informative and engaging, and competently written on topics and issues of concern in the field of curriculum and instruction." James L. Moseley Wayne State University