The Broken Cisterns of African American Education
Academic Performance and Achievement in the Post-Brown Era
Edited by:
M. Christopher Brown II, Thurgood Marshall College Fund
RoSusan D. Bartee, University of Central Florida
A volume in the series: Research on African American Education. Editor(s): Carol Camp Yeakey, Washington University, St. Louis. Rowhea Medhat Elmesky, Washington University in St. Louis. Bronwyn Nichols Lodato, Washington University in St. Louis.
Published 2008
The failure of American education to achieve racial diversity has resulted from the inability of educational researchers, policy makers and judicial officials to disentangle the complex definitions that have emerged in a post-segregated society. More specifically, the capricious aim of post-segregated educational settings leads to the confusing and often conflicting interchangeable usage of terms desegregated, integrated and diversity. This ambituity is further confounded by the imprecise definitions of equity, equality and opportunity. The proposed book will examine the role of language post-Brown v. Board of Education and the effects of that language on educational policy and practice. He also examines how the fundamental implications of language within post-Brown court cases, in pre- through post-secondary education, demonstrate the unspecified outcomes for desegregation and integration while concomitantly demand an educational continuum of equitable distribution. The arguments will further interrogate how education policy and practices implicitly contain a scholarly roadmap to forge equal opportunity and access, fifty years after Brown.
Series Editor's Preface. Rethinking African American Education Post-Brown: An Introduction, M. Christopher Brown II and RoSusan D. Bartee. PART I: HISTORIC AND COMMUNITY CONTEXTS OF PERFORMANCE. An Unsteady March Toward Equity: The Social and Political Contexts of African American Educational Attainment, M. Christopher Brown II and T. Elon Dancy II. Miseducating for Inequity: Fifty Years After Brown, Karen Miller Gourd and Jonathan D. Lightfoot. Educating African American Urban Learners: Brown in Context, Festus E. Obiakor. Still Not Equal: Improving Literacy Development for Black Children and Other Children of Color, Linda R. McIntyre. Addressing the Shame of Higher Education: Programs That Support College Enrollment and Retention of Black Males, Pamela Ellis. PART I I: CONTENT CONSIDERATIONS FOR STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT. Race Matters: Devaluation and the Achievement Gap Between African American and White Students, John W. Long. Isolating Language Factors Contributing to State-Mandated Reading and Writing Achievement Test Scores of African American Students, Monica Gordon Pershey. Impacting Educational Processes through Cultural and Social Capital: Understanding "Teacher" and "Administrator" Leadership Capacities, RoSusan D. Bartee. The Achievement Gap: Estimating the Eighth-Grade NAEP Math Scores of Minority Students Based on the Educational Advantage of White Parents, Richard R. Verdugo. Equitable Mathematics Education as a Means to Democratic Participation, Lecretia A. Buckley. About the Editors.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook9781607529743

- EDU038000 - EDUCATION: Student Life & Student Affairs
- EDU037000 - EDUCATION: Research
- EDU015000 - EDUCATION: Higher
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