Reviews Archive
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 | "Queering Spirituality and Community in the Deep South, edited by Strunk (Auburn Univ.), is a relevant and significant contribution to the literature on a region ripe for more study in terms of its queer culture. This collection, part of the "Research in Queer Studies" series, illuminates the South's dominant relationship with religion and its intersectionality with LGBTQ lives. Readers will appreciate essays on queer spiritualities in section 1, queer analysis of the religious right and Anita Bryant in section 2, and queer communities in section 3. The volume builds on common themes, such as backlash against LGBTQ anti-discrimination legislation meant to protect queer workers' rights, thriving LGBTQ communities attacked out of local government fears of becoming gay tourist meccas, and evidence to refute the myth that the South was actually devoid of queer communities when compared to the nation's largest cities. Contributors also allude to progress made; in "At a Crossroads: Growing Up Christian and Queer in the South," Denise L. Levy contends that "as they survive and thrive, LGBTQ individuals in the South impart stories of resilience, courage, advocacy, and hope for the future" (p. 43).
Summing Up: Recommended. General readers and upper-division undergraduates through faculty." J. Goins University of Texas Rio Grande Valley CHOICE |
 | "This book provides state-of-the-art analysis of what behavioral scientists can actually do to address the diverse global challenges today. Each chapter focuses on a specific topic, attempting to “boil the ocean†to manageable development goals, surveying concerns from the environmental climate action to increasing happiness." Dinesh Sharma Ph.D. Leaders in the Making Psychology Today |
 | "In sum, Research in Teaching Global Issues spans far-reaching GCE-related topics ranging from teacher education to student engagement, from curriculum frameworks to an interdisciplinary whole-school approach, from school-university partnerships to innovative global studies programs, and from new conceptual models to novel pedagogical practices. For aspiring and established GCE scholars, the book offers insight into recent related literature and an opportunity to consider and analyze new perspectives. For teachers, department chairs, and directors of curriculum and instruction, the book offers lessons from on-point case studies. And, for scholar-practitioners, it is a how-to guide to translate research into practice and reflect on the multi-purpose value of GCE." Evan Saperstein William Paterson University Journal of International Social Studies |
 | "This book tells many stories about Behavioral Sciences at the United Nations (UN). It gives insights in important issues of the UN’s 17 “Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs)†(United Nations General Assembly, 2015) and how behavioral science contributes to these goals. It addresses different readers in various contexts, professionals and students. It is an excellent and exorbitant educational textbook for students and interested readers who want to know more about the projects and accomplishments of the UN.
The editors are three UN representatives, most of the chapters are authored by a leading expert in that specialty, together with a student intern working with the UN, so a profound insight of UN issues is provided." Roswith Roth University of Graz Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics |
 | "This book is a must for students studying education who are planning to teach in the future and for current teachers, as well as for people in the administration who make policies so that they can be aware of the problems and customize policies for the retention of teachers in schools." Jyoti Aggarwal and Eya Mahouachi University of Lynchburg London Review of Education |
 | "What we have, then, with Tracks to Infinity, the Long Road to Justice: The Peter McLaren Reader, Volume II (Pruyn, Malott, and Huerta-Charles 2020) is an excellent confrontation with today’s capitalism which, with background reading and work, can provide a wide variety of readers with a way of moving the conversation forward. Otherwise, it’s what we have, which is economics for permanent debtors and politics for lesser-evil candidates." Samuel Day Fassbinder DeVry University Postdigital Science and Education |
 | "In their daily work, the authors teach and help transform groups toward healthy cultural engagement in and out of their classrooms at James Madison University and Seven Sisters Community Development Group, LLC. Ed and Noorie both have extensive lived experience in diverse cultures that supports their academic research and the writing of this book. Although geared for instructors, practitioners, and other leaders, one can join this as a self-guided tour with any level of willingness and openness to personal growth and integration.
I recommend not only reading this book, but fully participating in the work wherever you are on the journey of cultural competence. A quote used several times intentionally throughout the book is from Lilla Watson, an Australian Aboriginal educator and activist, “If you have come to help, you are wasting your time. If you have come because your liberation is bound in mine, then let us walk together.â€" Jessica Del Pozo, Ph.D. Lemke Health Partners Psychology Today |
 | "Edited by Pyles (Appalachian State Univ.), Rish (SUNY, Buffalo), and Warner, an independent scholar—early-career researchers working in southern regions and/or rural communities in the US—this text examines the spatial turn: the “fundamental realization that all space is socially produced.†Articles include digital media explorations through media-artsintegrated curriculum by the Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education, mediating dialogue in Talkbass (a virtual affinity space for people who play the bass guitar), the use of cyber-trolls to mediate virtual conversations on queering text, social loafing online in a global collaboration project through "throwntogetherness" in a 24/7 digital literacy landscape, and "translanguaging" strategies to learn across online languages and culture. Other articles describe student uses of digital literacies to examine their personal and rural communal identities, "counterstorytelling" about southern peoples and places, indigenous activism in the digital sphere, online and street place attachments in Hull (the 2017 UK City of Culture), and the creation of an ecomuseum for Latiano, Italy. The text concludes with discussions on overcoming immobilizing literacies, the #besomebody project for student aspirations, tacit modalities for meaning making, Argentinian social imaginaries of self and other, and virtual carrels for "scholarly-ness."" D. L. Stoloff Eastern Connecticut State University Choice Connect |
 | "The fact that this publication is the first to focus on behavioral science within the United Nations grants it authority, making it a most deserving material to enrich the realm of applied behavioral science in both, to the academic and diplomatic communities alike. “Behavioral science in the global arena†manages to tackle a broad aspect of applied behavioral science in diplomatic affairs and successfully presents it in a manner well-suited for the academic and diplomatic spheres." Jose R. Rodrigues-Gomez University of Puerto Rico, San Juan Social Behavior Research and Practice |
 | "This book is unique because it provides a framework for incorporating student voice in the learning process within the urban learning environment. Therefore, scholars and classroom teachers should consider this book as a reasonable guide for incorporating or investigating student voice in urban schools. Although this book targets urban-school educators, the concepts and framework can certainly translate to other schools who want to understand and listen to the narratives of the students they serve. This book can also thoughtfully inform policy makers, parents, and all stakeholders who are committed to social justice, equality, and issues related to race, class, and gender." Clinton S. Petty and Jemimah L. Young Urban Education |
 | "I enjoyed reading this book as it provides different healthcare professionals’ rich firsthand experiences and reflections that are essential for their becoming process as a healthcare professional, which is not easily accommodated in a short medical journal article. Junior professionals or learners can model the reflective cognitions of this book to realize their resiliency and transformative learning experience that is essential for their professional identity formation. Given the complexity of the healthcare practice, the field must continue to transform in order to serve the need of society. This book, therefore, provides an opportunity for the healthcare education field to revisit the taken-for-granted assumptions on what should be taught to become a healthcare professional." Heeyoung Han Southern Illinois University School of Medicine Journal of Transformative Education |
 | "This book would make an effective text for a professional learning community of teachers who wish to explore how film can be used effectively. The lesson ideas, in this case, could serve as a stimulus for other thoughts about how to go about instruction. Hollywood or History? has many possibilities as a resource and has the potential to lead to further discussion about designing effective learning opportunities." Jason D. DeHart Appalachian State University Education Review |
 | "To conclude, this book is a must-read for undergraduate students, graduate students, practitioners and researchers interested in the fields of education, language education, and applied linguistics. The research studies comprising this work are of interest to those concerned about the present and future sociocultural, economic, and political conditions hindering the educational opportunities of vulnerable populations such as emergent bilinguals. Overall, this edited volume is particularly illuminating because it provides readers with multiple entry points to the timely and necessary endeavor of transforming schooling amidst a harsh political climate and restrictive language policies." Christian Fallas Escobar University of Texas at San Antonio Bilingual Research Journal |
 | "The strength of Second Language Testing for Student Evaluation and Classroom Research is its frequent references to real teacher experiences, and its aim to make language testing principles accessible. The authors wrote that they started their careers not particularly fond of tests, but over time begrudgingly acknowledged their necessity within language programs. It is easy to imagine this book was written to be the book they wish they had had when taking their testing classes early in their careers—indeed, in some ways, it is the book I wish I had had. The book is very teacher-centered, and it is apparent on every page that these authors still see themselves as teachers first and foremost." Brandon Kramer Osaka Jogakuin University & Junior College |
 | "Calvin S. Kalman has provided an invaluable instructor’s manual for all those people genuinely concerned with changing the culture of traditional physics and engineering education for the betterment of their students and enjoyment of their subject. One can only hope that many instructors will profit by it." Roland M. Schulz Simon Fraser University Science & Education |
 | "...the book addresses important social science issues and presents a wealth of principles, concepts and methods for social science research into controversial issues of social science education in Turkey. The contributions provide a well-founded insight into the effects on civic education. The strength of the book lies in its methodological and content-related diversity. At the same time, the anthology offers cross-national insights into the treatment of controversial issues in social science education." Sina Aylin Demirhan Universität Hamburg Journal of Social Science Education |
 | "The Hollywood or History? approach focuses on comparing selected film clips with primary and secondary sources so that students can reach conclusions about how much the film is consistent with historical evidence and how much of it is creative license. The introduction to the book provides a brief outline of the method in seven steps: selecting films or film clips, developing questions, finding historical resources, creating student scaffolds, enacting the lesson, having students draw conclusions, and debriefing. Repeatedly comparing films with primary and secondary sources in order to judge their accuracy would likely become tedious for students if enacted multiple times over the school year, but, as the lesson examples illustrate, there are many permutations of the core inquiry strategy that keep the pedagogy fresh across multiple films and time periods." Christopher Clark Teachers College Record |
 | "...the collection of chapters in this volume are a must-read for all embroiled in the textbook wars. Whether for our own textbook studies or our work with school districts and preservice teachers, the discussions presented by chapter authors are important to a more expansive understanding of the sometimes contradictory narratives of colonialism present in our curricula." Sarah Shear Teachers College Record |
 | "As a peace education scholar who is designing a peace education intervention, I found it greatly helpful. It equipped me with a rich understanding of existing critiques, tensions, complications and practices of evaluation. It also inspired me with ideas towards developing a methodology for the evaluation of my intervention. By spanning a multitude of existing evaluation practices on a global scale and opening up novel avenues and possibilities, Peace Education Evaluation is undoubtedly a useful resource for a wide range of audiences." Basma Hajir University of Cambridge In Factis Pax |
 | "In conclusion, The Power of Community Engagement for Educational Change provides readers with an overview of the field (past, present, and future) and numerous accounts of community-based initiatives. These highly detailed accounts—which offer insights into the goals, frameworks, outcomes, and processes associated with authentic community engagement—were carefully selected to ensure maximum variety with regard to location, setting, demographics, and other characteristics. As a result of these features, the book is most suitable for practitioners and educators who wish to assume an active role in the advancement of community engagement. Nonetheless, as the book covers such a wide array of initiatives, it may also be incorporated into teacher education courses and utilized for purposes not explicitly identified by editors.7/1/2019" Tracey Kumar Southeastern Louisiana University School Community Journal |