Journal of Research on Organization in Education
We are very proud of the exceptional, talented, and diverse individuals who have endorsed this purpose and who have agreed to serve on the editorial board. The board joins the editors in the invitation to explore this opportunity to publish in the inaugural volume of the Journal.
Editorial Advisory Board
Audrey Amrein-Beardsley, Arizona State U; Daniel Berebitsky, Southern Methodist U; Hilda Borko, Stanford University; Alex Bowers, Teachers College, Columbia U; Tony Bush, University of Nottingham; Eric Camburn, University of Wisconsin; Cynthia Coburn, Northwestern University; Alan J. Daly, UC San Diego; Michael F. DiPaola, College of Wm and Mary; William A. Firestone, Rutgers University; Femke P. Geijsel, University of Amsterdam; Roger D. Goddard, The Ohio State University; Ellen Goldring, Vanderbilt University; Louis Gomez, UCLA; Linda Darling-Hammond, Stanford University; Ron Heck, University of Hawaii; Ben Kelcey, University of Cincinnati; Jam Khojasteh, Oklahoma State University; Lisa Kensler, Auburn University; Kenneth Leithwood, University of Toronto; Betty L. Malen, University of Maryland; Martha M. McCarthy, Loyola Marymount U; Roxanne Mitchell, University of Alabama; Nienke Moolenaar, Utrecht University, Neth; Joseph F. Murphy, Vanderbilt University; Susan Printy, Michigan State University; Guy Roth, Ben-Gurion University, Israel; Brian Rowan, University of Michigan; Karen Seashore Louis, U of Minnesota; Peter Sleegers, BMC (Gov & Mgmt Consult); Karen Stansberry Beard, The Ohio State U; James P. Spillane, Northwestern University; C. John Tarter, University of Alabama; Megan Tschannen-Moran, Col of Wm & Mary; Cynthia L. Uline, San Diego State University; Lora A. Cohen-Vogel, UNC-Chapel Hill; Jordan Ware, U. of OklahomaSTAFF
Editor: Patrick B. Forsyth, Professor and Codirector Okla. Center for Education Policy, The University of Oklahoma
Associate Editor: Curt M. Adams, Associate Professor and Codirector Okla. Center for Education Policy, The University of Oklahoma
Associate Editor: Timothy G. Ford, Assistant Professor and Senior Research Scientist, Okla. Center for Education Policy, The University of Oklahoma
Associate Editor: Angela M. Urick, Assistant Professor, The University of Oklahoma
Jentre J. Olsen, PhD Candidate, The University of Oklahoma
John Lepine Sr. PhD Candidate, The University of Oklahoma
The SoJo Journal
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