A Holistic Educator's Journey
Seeking Wholeness in America, Canada, Japan and Asia
John P. Miller, University of Toronto
A volume in the series: Current Perspectives in Holistic Education. Editor(s): Kelli Nigh, University of Toronto.
Published 2021
This memoir describes the journey of John (Jack) Miller. The book explores how his personal journey is related to the work he has done in holistic education, contemplative education, and spirituality in education. In holistic education the personal and professional are connected. Professor Miller’s journey includes events, books, teachers, and the many factors in his life that have contributed to his work, which includes more than 20 books and extensive travel around the world. An example of the relationship between the personal and the professional is that Jack began meditating in 1974 and this practice has provided the foundation for much of his teaching and writing.
Professor Miller’s book, The Holistic Curriculum, first published in 1988 along with the publication of the Holistic Education Review have been seen as the beginning of holistic education as a field of study. Since his journey has been connected with so many other holistic educators, this book can serve as one perspective on how the field has unfolded over the past 35 years. Besides this historical perspective the book includes a chapter on his meditation practice as well his beliefs. There is also a chapter on his teaching and how he attempts to embody holistic education in his classroom.
Praise for A Holistic Educator's Journey:
"Rarely does a field-builder allow us the opportunity to journey into the life-long journey leading to the formation of the work. With bold transparency, Miller shares his enormously rich professional and personal journey of seven decades with an open hand. He shows us the terrane of his inner and outer life."
Lisa Miller, Author
The Spiritual Child
Teachers College, Columbia University
"Whether in the classroom, writing books, keynoting, or being a friend, Jack Miller’s life journey exemplifies his multi-dimensional embracing of “the way of nature” and accepting of the mysterious. Always acknowledging the Indigenous roots of holistic education, he managed to bring parts of the Indigenous worldview into schools in ways that accommodated all cultures. This book gives testimony to his great contribution to understanding why we must return to our interconnected way of being."
Four Arrows, Author
Sitting Bull’s Words for a World in Crises
Foreword, Lisa Miller. Preface. Chapter 1: Leaving America. Chapter 2: Childhood: Anchored in My Mother’s Love. Chapter 3: The Insecurities of Adolescence. Chapter 4: University Years (1961–1965): Living in My Head. Chapter 5: My First Teaching Experience and Meeting Jean. Chapter 6: Marriage and Discovering Humanistic Education. Chapter 7: The Turmoil of 1968 and Meeting My Mentor. Chapter 8: Doctoral Studies: Thesis Struggles and Feelings of Alienation. Chapter 9: Thunder Bay: Finding Community. Chapter 10: St. Catharines: Jean’s Death, Beginning Work in Holistic Education. Chapter 11: Life Changing Events in Japan. Chapter 12: Soul in Education and Three Holistic Schools. Chapter 13: Holistic Education in South America, Bhutan, and the Asia Pacific Network in Holistic Education. Chapter 14: My Practice and What I Believe. Chapter 15: My Classroom. Chapter 16: My Life as a Series of Gifts. Appendix A: CO Statement. Appendix B: The Viennese Four: My Story in Music. Appendix C: Approaches to Learning and Curriculum. References. About the Author.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook978-1-64802-643-0

- EDU021000 - EDUCATION: Non-Formal Education
- EDU051000 - EDUCATION: Learning Styles
- EDU012000 - EDUCATION: Experimental Methods
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