Contemporary Perspectives in Data Mining
Volume 5
Edited by:
Kenneth D. Lawrence, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Ronald Klimberg, Saint Joseph’s University
A volume in the series: Contemporary Perspectives in Data Mining. Editor(s): Kenneth D. Lawrence, New Jersey Institute of Technology. Ronald Klimberg, Saint Joseph’s University.
In Press 2025
The series, Contemporary Perspectives on Data Mining, is composed of blind refereed scholarly research methods and applications of data mining. This series will be targeted both at the academic community, as well as the business practitioner.
Data mining seeks to discover knowledge from vast amounts of data with the use of statistical and mathematical techniques. The knowledge is extracted from this data by examining the patterns of the data, whether there are associations of groups or things, predictions, sequential relationships between time order events or natural groups.
Data mining applications are in business (banking, brokerage, and insurance), marketing (customer relationship, retailing, logistics, and travel), as well as in manufacturing, health care, fraud detection, homeland security and law enforcement.
A Forecasting Model to Predict the Availability of Staffing, Equipment and Facility Needs for TeleSANE Services, Ronald K. Klimberg, Samuel Ratick, Joan Meunier-Sham, and Randi Petricone. The Impact of the Government Subsidy on Product Recycling, Wenxian Zhao, Feng Yang. and Zhimin Huang. An Integrated Model to Determine Optimal Two-Dimensional Warranty Policy Parameters, Amit Mitra, Ashish Gupta, Pei Xu, and Kanchan Das. Physician’s New Drug Trial and Adoption Intention: Implication and Demand Forecasting for Pharmaceutical Firms, Eddie Rhee and John C. Yi. A Multi-Criteria Geographic Information System Screening Approach for Prioritizing Response Activities Following a Chemical, Biological, or Radiological Incident, Julie Blue, Sam Arden, Sam Ratick, Molly Rodgers, Emily Wexler, Emma Rebour, Timothy Boe, and Worth Calfee. PSE&G Peer Companies and Operational Variables of Performance and Compensation, Kenneth D. Lawrence and Sheila M. Lawrence. Executive Compensation of the United Health Corporation With Improperly Selected Peer Companies, Kenneth D. Lawrence, Ronald K. Klimberg and Sheila M. An Innovative, Easy-to-Understand “Cone of Uncertainty” Approach to Forecasting, Ronald K. Klimberg and George P. Sillup. About the Authors.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook979-8-88730-855-5

- COM021030 - COMPUTERS: Data Science: Data Analytics
- EDU039000 - EDUCATION: Computers & Technology
Contemporary Perspectives in Data Mining Volume 3
Contemporary Perspectives in Data Mining Volume 4
Contemporary Perspectives in Data Mining, Volume 1
Contemporary Perspectives in Data Mining, Volume 2
Effects of Government Mandates and Policies on Public Education in Africa, the Caribbean, and the Middle East
Innovations in Computational Intelligence, Big Data Analytics and Internet of Things
Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Psychometrics