Corporate Social Performance In The Age Of Irresponsibility

Cross National Perspective

Edited by:
Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch, Silesian University of Technology, Poland

A volume in the series: Contemporary Perspectives in Corporate Social Performance and Policy. Editor(s): Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch, Canadian University Dubai.

Published 2016

Corporate Social Performance In The Age Of Irresponsibility – Cross National Perspective is authored by a range of international experts with a diversity of backgrounds and perspectives and provides a collection of ideas, examples and solutions on CSP implementation in the time of irresponsibility. Although Corporate Social Performance (CSP) has become important part of the management agenda of many enterprises and many companies adding socially responsible statements to their websites and mission statements some firms behave irresponsibly while at the same time acting positively on some dimensions— “corporate social irresponsibility (CSI) and responsibility can exist at the same time in the same firm.” (Gonzalez-Perez, 2011).

This volume is aimed at presenting Corporate Social Performance concept from distinct cultural perspectives with the reference to responsible and irresponsible practices of various entities from different parts of the world.

Acknowledgements. PART I: INTRODUCTION. Corporate Social Irresponsibility, Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch. PART II: CORPORATE SOCIAL PERFORMANCE AS A GLOBAL CONCEPT. Cultural Perspective on Sustainable Socioeconomic Development, Mehdi Majidi. Failures to Act Responsibly: The Role of Firm’s Competitiveness in the Post-Scandal Phase, Arabella Mocciaro Li Destri, Anna Minà, and Pasquale Massimo Picone. Corporate Social Performance: An Endurance Pathway for Family Firms in Emerging Markets? (A Conceptual Model), Rosa Nelly Trevinyo-Rodriguez. PART III: CORPORATE SOCIAL PERFORMANCE AS A CROSS NATIONAL PHENOMENON. Corporate Social Responsibility, Income Distribution and the Environment: An Empirical Study for the European Union, Oscar Alfranca Burriel. Transparency and Compliance Policies of Multinational Companies in Latin America, Nikos Passas and Matthias Kleinhempel. Corporate Social Responsibility in Africa: Context, Paradoxes, Stakeholder Orientations, Contestations and Reflections, Thomas Kimeli Cheruiyot and Patrick Onsando. Perspectives on Evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility Practices in Chinese Organizations, Ruth Alas. CSR Perforce: Implementing CSR in the Indian Scenario, Soma Kamal Tandon. Development of CSR Index in Croatia: The History of Wishful Thinking-Come True? Mislav Ante Omazić and Mirjana Matešic. PART IV: CORPORATE SOCIAL PERFORMANCE: CASES FROM PRACTICE. CSR and Sustainability Practices of the Hotel Industry, Anupriya Desore, Sapna A. Narula, and Ambika Zutshi. Attitudes Towards Corporate Social Responsibility in Family Businesses in Italy, Alessandra Murru and Lucia Rocchigiani. Project Conga: An Unresolved Social License, Pedro P. Franco. Corporate Social Responsibility in Tourism: Past and Present Scholar’s Contributions, Claudia Melis and Ernestina Giudici. About the Authors.