Critical Reflection and the Foreign Language Classroom
(20th Anniversary Edition)
Terry Osborn, University of South Florida
Published 2021
Twenty years ago, this book introduced pre-service and in-service foreign language teachers to the basic concepts of critical educational study as applied to foreign language education in the United States. Since its initial publication, teachers now commonly known as world language educators are better prepared to understand issues of power in relation to, for example, language variety, language status, and language education. Indeed, much recent attention has been focused on critical approaches to language education including teaching for social justice.
The author addresses issues such as the supposed "failure" of foreign language education, the educational filter role played by language classes, the concept of foreignness as seen in national standards, language curricula and textbooks, and the implications of these issues in terms of power relationships and cultural mediation both in and out of the classroom. The reader is encouraged to analyze the forms of cultural struggle that can be found within the world language classrooms of the United States including the likely impact those struggles have on members of the dominant and subordinate cultures. Two decades later, critical reflection continues to require these skills.
Acknowledgments. Series Foreword, Henry A. Giroux. Foreword to the 2005 Edition, Ryuko Kubota. Foreword to the 20th Anniversary Edition, Timothy Reagan. CHAPTER 1: Beyond Methodology. CHAPTER 2: Language Education and Culture. CHAPTER 3: The Language of Critical Pedagogy. CHAPTER 4: How to Reflect, Critically. CHAPTER 5: The Foreignness Agenda. CHAPTER 6: Transforming Foreignness. CHAPTER 7: Toward a (Re)new(ed) Professional Vision. Bibliography. About the Authors.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook978-1-64802-420-7

- EDU018000 - EDUCATION: Language Experience Approach
- EDU005000 - EDUCATION: Bilingual Education
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