Crossing the Border from Preservice to Inservice Science Teacher

Research-based Induction as Professional Development

Edited by:
Dennis W. Sunal, University of Alabama
Cynthia S Sunal, University of Alabama
Justina A. Ogodo, Baylor University

A volume in the series: Research in Science Education. Editor(s): Dennis W. Sunal, University of Alabama. Cynthia S Sunal, University of Alabama. Emmett L. Wright, Kansas State University.

Published 2024

This RISE volume examines various approaches researchers have used to induct new teachers and mitigate the high turnover rates. Crossing the Border From Preservice to Inservice Science Teacher: Research-Based Induction as Professional Development offers readers various tested strategies for supporting and retaining early-career science teachers. Some of the common tested effective strategies involve increasing teacher reflection, fostering teacher leadership, developing collegial collaboration, strengthen teacher identity, introducing PLC involvement in both preservice and inservice settings, expanding IHE teacher preparation to more deeply include classroom teachers, using graduate coursework to introduce induction PD and longterm follow-up of early career teachers. The contributing authors explain different approaches successfully implemented in various settings and their impact on developing high-quality teachers with the self-efficacy to positively impact student learning. The ideas provided in the volume can be replicated in-part and whole in other settings with the potential for similar results.


Preface to the Series, Dennis W. Sunal, Cynthia Szymanski Sunal, and Emmett L. Wright. Preface, Dennis W. Sunal, Cynthia Szymanski Sunal, and Justina Ogodo. The Need for Science Teacher Induction, Justina Ogodo, Cynthia S Sunal, and Dennis W. Sunal. Everyone Needs Somebody: Social Resources That Support Newly Hired Science Teachers, Jose Pavez, Julie Luft, Kelly Kulp, Shannon Navy, Adepeju Prince, Elizbeth Ayano, Lisa Borgerding, and Bo Idsardi. Why Do They Stay? Factors Shaping Science Teachers’ Persistence, Jennifer Schellinger, Danielle Rhemer, Caitlyn Ward, and Sherry A. Southerland. Collaboration as a Key Factor in Secondary Science Teacher Induction, Dennis Sunal, Cynthia Szymanski Sunal, Sabrina Stanley, and Marsha Simon. Early-Career Teacher Induction-Mentoring Program: Nurturing STEM Teachers for Urban High-Need Schools, Justina Ogodo, Ling Ding, and Dana Morris. University-Based Induction Coaching: Cultivating Teacher Development Through Reflective Practice, Dana Morris and Justina A. Ogodo. STEM Teacher Induction Support in High-Need Schools, Seema Rivera. Primary Teachers Implementation of Culturally Responsive Teaching, Steven S. Sexton. Establishing a Post-Pandemic Pedagogy for Elementary Science Teaching During Times of Crisis, Allison K. Bookbinder. About the Contributors.