Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue
Volume 26, Numbers 1 & 2, 2024
Edited by:
Bradley Conrad, Capital University
Crystal D. Howell, Randolph College
Cristy Sellers, Pacific University
A volume in the series: Curriculum & Teaching Dialogue. Editor(s): Bradley Conrad, Capital University. Crystal D. Howell, Randolph College. Cristy Sellers, Pacific University.
Published 2024
Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue is a peer-reviewed journal sponsored by the American Association for Teaching and Curriculum (AATC). The purpose of the journal is to promote the scholarly study of teaching and curriculum. The aim is to provide readers with knowledge and strategies of teaching and curriculum that can be used in educational settings. The journal is published annually in two volumes and includes traditional research papers, conceptual essays, as well as research outtakes and book reviews. Publication in CTD is always free to authors. Information about the journal is located on the AATC website and can be found on the Journal tab.
Acknowledgments. 2023 KEYNOTE ADDRESS: AATC 2023 Presidential Address—Wisdom Seekers: Reimagining Wisdom and Ways of Knowing for Teaching, Curriculum, and Educational Research, Christy McConnell, Bradley Conrad, and Emily Guthrie Strong. VOLUME 26, NUMBER 1: Editorial Remarks on Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, Volume 26, Issue 1, Bradley Conrad. Equipped for the {FUTURE}: Curriculum Planning Tools for Integrating Computer Science Into K–5 Content Areas, Darcy Ronan and Heidi Williams. Taking a Stand for Representation: Engaging Preservice Teachers in Awareness, Analysis, and Advocacy of Diverse Children’s Literature Book Displays, Suzette Youngs, Christine Kyser, and Danielle Bell. An Aesthetic Analysis and Review of China’s Influential Pedagogy: The Case of Qingjing Teaching, Hanwei Tang, Wei Song, Lingqi Meng, and Bruce Uhrmacher. Curriculum Making in a School-University Partnership: A Retrospective of the Process of Designing a STEM Middle School Curriculum, Amy Masko, Kris Pachla, Jamesia M. Nordman, Lisa Kasmer, Paul Yu, Julie Henderleiter, Janet Vigna, Tamara Shreiner, Keith Oliver, David Coffey, and Kathryn Christoper. Chinese Picture Books at the Local Libraries Thirty Years Later: Focusing on Folktales, Sohyun Meacham, Sunah Chung, and Jongsun Wee. “La Puerta”—Methodological Doorways: From Arts-Based Inquiry to Transgenerational Insight, Amanda Bucher. Culturally Familiar Texts to Improve Reading and Writing Outcomes for High School English Language Learners, Taryn Robertson, Garrett Roberts, and Bruce Uhrmacher. Teacher Reflections: The Pandemic’s Effect on Student–Teacher Relationships, Katherine George and Raylene Kaufman. VOLUME 26, NUMBER 2. Editorial Remarks on Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue Volume 26, Issue 2 -- Optimism, Creativity, and Resistance: Teachers and Teacher Educators Finding Ways Forward, Crystal D. Howell. Historian’s Report: Perspectives on a Decade of AATC, Dana Haraway. Listening as a Virtue? Building a Bridge to Understanding Through Sacrificial Listening, Amy Allen, Mason Engelhardt, and Carey Stewart. Collaborative Learning Communities: Using Hip-Hop Cyphers to Enhance Educational Experiences for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students With Disabilities, Keishana Barnes, Alycia Taylor, William C. Hunter, and Sandra Cooley Nichols. Can I Kick It: The Evolution of Two University Design Students’ Pedagogical Practices in an Informal STEAM Sneaker Design Lab, Kareem Edouard and Sinead Meehan. Creating a Content-Specific Education Abroad Program to Support Preservice Mathematics Teachers’ Learning About Culture, Blair Izard and David M. Moss. Democratic Educational Leadership and Teaching: A New Conceptual Framework, Charles L. Lowery and Carol A. Mullen. Camouflage Curriculum Revealed: Foregrounding the Wisdom of More-Than-Human Life, Mandi Leigh. Extending Theory to Practice: A Pedagogy of Restorative Resistance, Toni Bailey. OUTTAKES: Houston, We’ve Got Problems! Overcoming Challenges in a University–Community Partnership During NASA’s Year of Education on Station, Franklin S. Allaire and AnnaMarie R. Kamas. Curating the Children’s Science Museum: Young Learners as Educational Connoisseurs, Nona Batiste and Sherri R. Colby. An Unanticipated Research Initiative: How Virtual Learning Reaffirmed Our Commitment to Inquiry, Kelly DeLuca, Adele Bruni Ashley, and Marcelle Mentor. An Unanticipated Research Setback: Imposter Participants in a Qualitative Study, Shine Kim. Productive Struggle: Preservice Teachers’ Misguided Perception, Kimberly A. Mahovsky, Hannah (Hyun) Kang, and Jenni L. Harding. “I Wish I Could Feel Welcome, or Even Safe at School”: Reflections on Conversations With an English Language Learner, Taryn Robertson. BOOK REVIEWS: Teaching Enslavement in American History by Chara Haeussler Bohan, H. Robert Baker, and LaGarrett J. King with Wade H. Morris Jr. (Lead Teacher), Reviewed by Toni Bailey. The Unteachables: Disability Rights and the Invention of Black Special Education by Keith A. Mayes, Reviewed by Isabella Bowen. The Worlds Educators Create: The Role of Education in the Creation of Place by Matthew Clay, Reviewed by Amanda Bucher. Unmasking Autism: Discovering the New Faces of Neurodiversity by Devon Price, Reviewed by Tali Finestone. Curriculum and the Generation of Utopia: Interrogating the Current State of Critical Curriculum Theory by Joa o M. Paraskeva, Reviewed by Paul Parkison and Daniel Conn. Contemporary Daoism, Organic Relationality, and Curriculum of Integrative Creativity by Hongyu Wang, Reviewed by Wesley Snedeker and Paul Michalec. About the Contributors.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook979-8-88730-790-9

- EDU007000 - EDUCATION: Curricula
- EDU053000 - EDUCATION: Training & Certification
- EDU046000 - EDUCATION: Professional Development
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Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue Volume 25, Numbers 1 & 2, 2023