Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue

Vol. 13 # 1 & 2

Edited by:
David J. Flinders, Indiana University
P. Bruce Uhrmacher, University of Denver

A volume in the series: Curriculum & Teaching Dialogue. Editor(s): Bradley Conrad, Capital University. Crystal D. Howell, Randolph College. Cristy Sellers, Pacific University.

Published 2012

Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue (CTD) is a publication of the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum (AATC), a national learned society for the scholarly field of teaching and curriculum. The field includes those working on the theory, design and evaluation of educational programs at large. At the university level, faculty members identified with this field are typically affiliated with the departments of curriculum and instruction, teacher education, educational foundations, elementary education, secondary education, and higher education. CTD promotes all analytical and interpretive approaches that are appropriate for the scholarly study of teaching and curriculum. In fulfillment of this mission, CTD addresses a range of issues across the broad fields of educational research and policy for all grade levels and types of educational programs.

Acknowledgements. President’s Message, J. Wesley Null. Editor’s Notes: Playing by the Numbers, P. Bruce Uhrmacher. VOLUME 13, NUMBER 1. What I Learned on the Road to Mississauga: Democracy and Curriculum, David Callejo Pérez. Balancing Interests with Needs: Conceiving an Encyclopedia for Curriculum Studies, Craig Kridel. Bloom’s Taxonomy: Its Evolution, Revision, and use in the Field of Education, Mark Seaman. The City as Classroom: Teaching with Historic Places, Barbara Slater Stern and Mark Stern. Voices of Preservice Teachers in the Borderlands: Exploring Cultural Identity through Language, Diana Linn. Developing Globalized Teacher Education Curriculum through Interdisciplinarity, Audrey M. Dentith, Anna CohenMiller, George Jackson, and Debra Root. Problematizing notions of decontextualized ‘best practice’, Jacob W. Neumann and Bryan Meadows. Triangulating the Theory-Practice Connection: Explicit Linkage between Personal Experiences, Field Based Experiences, and Certification Requirements in a Satellite Program for Bilingual Education Teacher Candidates, Angela López Pedrana, Christal G. Burnett, Laura Mitchell, and Alma Lara. Equity in Education: Practicing Educators’ Experiences and Perspectives, Stephanie Morris, Sarah Selmer, Ashley Martucci, and Erin Goodykoontz. Henry David Thoreau: Spirituality and Experiential Education, Ben Ingman. Editor’s notes: Haunted but Hopeful, David J. Flinders. VOLUME 13, NUMBER 2. The Dilemmas of Male Elementary Pre-service Teachers, Mark Malaby and Sarah J. Ramsey. Using Dyad Learning in a Science Methods Course with Pre-service Elementary Teachers, María G. Arreguín-Anderson. Our Friend Martin: Using Culturally Relevant Video to Initiate Critical Conversations about Race in an Urban Classroom, Nichelle C. Boyd, Paula B. Mathis, and Erika Swift. Transitioning to a Culturally Responsive Field-based Model for Educator Preparation, Rubén Garza. “I Love Kids! Doesn’t That Mean I Will Be a Successful Pre-service Teacher?” Marjori M. Krebs and Cheryl A. Torrez. Stay True or Start New: Dichotomy in First Year Kindergarten Teacher Experiences, Rebecca Pruitt. Experiencing the Social Issues that Impact America’s Classrooms: A Study of Academic Service-Learning in Education Courses, Paul J. Ramsey. America’s Race To the Top, Our Fall from Grace, Michelle Tenam-Zemach and Joseph Flynn. Confessions of a Former Painter-by the-Numbers, O. L. Davis, Jr. About the Authors.