Deep Change

Cases and Commentary on Schools and Programs of Successful Reform in High Stakes States

Edited by:
Gerald Ponder, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
David Strahan, University of North Carolina, Greensboro

A volume in the series: Research in Curriculum and Instruction. Editor(s): Cheryl J. Craig, Texas A&M.

Published 2005

This book presents cases of schools (Part One) and programs at the district level and beyond (Part Two) in which reform, while driven by high-stakes accountability, became larger and deeper through data-driven dialogue, culture change, organizational learning, and other elements of high performing cultures. Commentaries on cross-case patterns by Ann Lieberman and Michael Fullan and a chapter on "now what?" first steps provide implications for initiating deep change that results in improved student learning outcomes even in challenging activity settings.

The Dailiness, Dilemmas, and Dialogue of Deep Change, Gerald Ponder and David Strahan. Part I: Journeys Toward Significance: Reports From Schools. Success Cycles at Hunter Elementary: Collaboration, Culture, Commitment and Continuity, Gerald Ponder and Sandy Webb. Sustaining School Reform at Hunter Elementary: The Role of University – School Partnerships, Robert Gasparello, Joseph Farrell, Sue Mercier, Samuel Miller, Jean Rohr and Gerald G. Duffy. Developing a Shared Stance Toward Learning at Central Elementary School, David Strahan, Heidi Carlone, Suzanne Horn, Fern Dallas, and Anita Ware. Continuing a Journey toward Significance at Central Elementary School, David Strahan and Jennifer Mangrum. Powerful Learning: Creating Learning Communities in Urban School Reform, Joy Phillips. Inquiry as Stance: An Administrator-Initiated Narrative Practice, Cheryl Craig. Negotiating Tensions in School Reform: Efforts to Promote a Learning Community in an Urban Middle School, Fern Dallas and David Strahan. Commentary on Schools of Significance, Ann Lieberman. Part II: Programs Of Significance: Case Studies Of Initiatives That Connect Schools. That Dog Won’t Hunt!: Exemplary School Change Efforts Within the Kentucky Reform, Shelby Wolf, Hilda Borko, Rebekah L Elliott, and Monette C. McIver. Reforming Schools by Reforming Relationships: The Bryan Leadership Development Initiative, Kathleen M. Ponder, Jennifer Martineau, Karen Dyer, and Mike Renn. Rural School Improvement Networks: Creating Possibilities for Significance in the 21st Century, Vernon Farrington, Mark L’Esperance, and Steve Mazingo. Migrant Education, Pedro Reyes and Carol Fletcher. Beating the Odds: Teaching Middle and High School Students to Read and Write Well, Judith Langer. Commentary on Programs of Significance, Michael Fullan. Part III: Patterns of Promise: First Steps in Initiating Deep Change for Student Success, David Strahan and Gerald Ponder.