Dialogical Approaches to Trust in Communication
Edited by:
Per Linell, University of Linköping, Sweden
Ivana Markova, University of Stirling, Scotland
A volume in the series: Advances in Cultural Psychology: Constructing Human Development. Editor(s): Jaan Valsiner, Niels Bohr Professor of Cultural Psychology, Aalborg University.
Published 2013
Trust has a constituent role in human societies. It has been treated as a scientific topic in many disciplines. Yet, despite the fact that trust and distrust come to life primarily in human communication and through language, it has seldom been analyzed from a communicative or linguistic perspective. This is the theme of this path-breaking volume.
This volume contains 12 chapters, plus introduction and epilogue by the editors. They have been authored by leading specialists on trust in language and communication, coming from many disciplines and from different cultures and countries. Most of the authors share a conceptual basis in dialogical theories.
This book is a follow-up volume to two previous volumes on trust within cultural psychology, Trust and Distrust (Marková & Gillespie, 2008) and Trust and Conflict (Marková & Gillespie, 2012). It will be of interest to anyone seriously interested in trust in societies, and in trust and distrust as displayed in communication and language.
Editors’ Preface. Series Editor’s Preface: Trusting the World—Through the Word. Editors’ Introduction: Dialogism and Monologism in Trust in Communication, Ivana Marková and Per Linell. PART I: MORALITIES IN DISCOURSE ON TRUST AND DISTRUST. Forms of Trust/Distrust and Dialogicality in Focus-Group Discussions about Medical Confidentiality, Michèle Grossen and Anne Salazar Orvig. Trust and the Contestation of Blame Narratives: Veiled Stances in an Institutional Assessment Context, Karin Aronsson and Karin Osvaldsson. “You Can’t Really Trust Anyone Anymore”: Trust, Moral Identity and Coming to Terms with the Past, Cristian Tileagă. Trust and Distrust: Dialogical Ways of Self–Other–Culture Relationships, Lívia Mathias Simão. PART II: TRUST AND DISTRUST IN INSTITUTIONAL COMMUNICATION. The Northern Rock Bank Run: An Analysis of Communication within a Distrust Sequence, Alex Gillespie and Flora Cornish. Searching for Trust in Psychotherapy: The Developmental Dynamics of Trust Within a Dialogical Perspective, João Salgado. Trusting for Learning, Tania Zittoun. Trust in Educational Discourse: A Risky Undertaking, Lars Sigfred Evensen. Trust, Distrust and Language, Nandita Chaudhary. PART III: THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES ON TRUST AND DISTRUST IN DIALOGUE. Trust as a Communicative and Epistemic Simplifier and Facilitator, Jens Allwood. Trust and Distrust in Interaction: Some Theoretical and Methodological Points, Per Linell and Ivana Marková. On Trust and Distrust in the Lifeworld, Carlos Cornejo. Epilogue. Trust Seen as Embodiment, Culture, Language and Morality, Per Linell and Ivana Marková. About the Authors. Subject Index.
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