Digital Transformation

Organizational Challenges and Management Transformation Methods

Edited by:
Emmanuel Monod, EMSS and CPMC, Shanghai
Yuewei Jiang, UCMT

A volume in the series: Research in Management Consulting. Editor(s): David Brian Szabla, Western Michigan University.

Published 2023

Whereas digital transformation, considered from the standpoint of strategy, suggests a direct link with business benefits, questions linger about the implementation of digital technologies that often result in a lack of return on investment. Many consulting trends adopt a technology-centered approach, assuming that AI, IoT, data analytics, or robotics, would lead to business performance. Yet, most of the time, organizational factors are neglected, especially hidden costs or hidden work. Moreover, unexpected consequences are overlooked, such as resistance to change. Digital transformation is a practical problem for managers. Are IS implementation approaches such as agile methods to Socio-Technical Systems (STS) sufficient to tackle these issues? This book suggests starting from organizational transformation, in essence, independently from technology with methods such as Business Process Management (BPM), Socio-Economic Approaches to Management (SEAM) or Organizational Development (OD).

Overall, whereas technology-centered approaches have been associated with numerous unintended consequences and failures with previous generations of technologies (e.g., ERP or KMS), process-centered and human-centered approaches may represent a less risky approach to digital transformation implementation.

This volume focuses on evaluating the potential performance improvements and risks of digital transformation and ways to assess how technology may support work and organizational goals. Therefore, whereas written by both academics and practitioners, this book has been written for all managers in companies and institutions in order to help them achieve digital transformation success.

Editor’s Note, David Szabla. Foreword: Broadening Our Sight to Digital Transformation in Management Research, H. Aguinis. Introduction: Digital Transformation: From Technology to Stakeholders, E. Monod. PART I: DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION: WHICH MANAGEMENT METHODS? Socio-Economic Approach to Management (SEAM) Applied to Digitalization Transformation Processes: Qualimetrics Intervention-Research Case Studies, Henri Savall, Veronique Zardet, Marc Bonnet, and Anthony F. Buono. Digital Transformation: A Strategic Perspective, Daniel Degravel. Digital Transformation and Organizational Development (OD), Uzonna Olumba. PART II: IMPLEMENTATION AND HUMANS IN DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION. AI and Human Resources: Practices and Questions, F. Chevalier. AI Implementation Issues, E. Monod, R. Lissilour, and E. Joyce. Focus on Front-Line Employees When Implementing Digital Transformation, Eric Sanders. AI Talent: From a Technology-Driven Perspective to an Organizational Transformation Perspective, E. Monod, J. Qi, Pan, H., D. Straub, A. Köster, N. Koroktova, and E. Joyce. PART III: DIGITAL HEALTHCARE Digital Transformation in Healthcare: Relational Intelligence and Change Management, Shola Ajiboye. Digital Transformation in Healthcare: The Past, Promises, Problems, and Potential, R. Greenhill and E. O’Connor. PART IV: DIGITAL BANKING AND SERVICES. Barriers to a Successful Digital Transformation and How to Mitigate Them: Insights From the Banking Industry, A.-S. Mayer and F. Strich. Digital Language Education: A Case in China, L. Shen. Digital Transformation in Real Estate in China, H. Liu. PART V: DIGITAL MANUFACTURING. AI in Quality Management in Manufacturing Industry: Case Studies in China, Tony Huang and E. Bai. Digital Transformation in Implanted Medical Device Industry in China, Y. (Joe) Tong. PART VI: DIGITAL FASHION AND AI IN MOVIE INDUSTRY. Chinese AI in the Film Industry: A Case Study in China, Y. Yu. AI in the Movie Industry: Risks, Costs, Knowledge-Sharing, L. (Joline) Zhou. Digital Fashion: A Theoretical Overview, Emmanuel Monod. PART VII: EPILOGUE: A PARADOX VIEW? Digital Transformation and Institutional Work: A Paradox View, Markus Philipp Zimmer, Abayomi Baiyere, and Hannu Salmela.