Distance Learning
Volume 12 #4
Edited by:
Michael Simonson, Nova Southeastern University
Charles Schlosser, Nova Southeastern University
A volume in the series: Distance Learning Journal. Editor(s): Michael Simonson, Nova Southeastern University.
Published 2015
Distance Learning is for leaders, practitioners, and decision makers in the fields of distance learning, e'learning, telecommunications, and related areas. It is a professional journal with applicable information for those involved with providing instruction to all kinds of learners, of all ages, using telecommunications technologies of all types. Stories are written by practitioners for practitioners with the intent of providing usable information and ideas. Articles are accepted from authors--new and experienced--with interesting and important information about the effective practice of distance teaching and learning.
Distance Learning is published quarterly. Each issue includes eight to ten articles and three to four columns, including the highly regarded "And Finally..." column covering recent important issues in the field and written by Distance Learning editor, Michael Simonson. Articles are written by practitioners from various countries and locations, nationally and internationally.
Distance Learning is an official publication of the United States Distance Learning Association, and is co-sponsored by the Fischler School of Education at Nova Southeastern University and Information Age Publishing.
Integrating Accreditation Guidelines and Quality Scorecard for Evaluating Online Programs, Anthony A. PiƱa and Larry Bohn
Transitioning to Online Courses in Higher Education, Luke Duesbery, Regina R. Brandon, Kimy Liu, and Jenelle Braun-Monegan
Lack of ICT Literacy for Freshman Students of the University of Kinshasa: A Huge obstacle to Distance Learning, Banza Nsomwe-a-nfunkawa Eustache
The Effect of Distance Education System on the Computer Literacy of MA Students in a Tehran University, Mohsen Keshavarz
The Keys to Online Learning for Adults: The Six Principles of Andragogy, Wendy Conaway and Barbara Zorn-Arnold
The Online Learning Orientation Session: An Overlooked Retention Tool, Marguerite M. Beckford
COLUMNSEnds and Means Navigating Online Virtual Group Work: Tips for Instructors and Students --by Natalie B. Milman
Try This: Creating the Balanced Yet Exciting Online Classroom! -- by Errol Craig Sull and Irvin Peckham
Ask Errol! --by Errol Craig Sull
And Finally ... Regular and Substantive --by Michael Simonson

- EDU000000 - EDUCATION: General
- EDU041000 - EDUCATION: Distance & Online Education
- EDU037000 - EDUCATION: Research
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