Educational Leadership

Building Bridges Among Ideas, Schools, And Nations

Edited by:
Christa Boske, Kent State University

A volume in the series: Educational Leadership for Social Justice. Editor(s): Jeffrey S. Brooks, Curtin University. Denise E. Armstrong, Brock University. Ira Bogotch, Florida Atlantic University. Sandra Harris, Lamar University. Whitney Sherman Newcomb, Virginia Commonwealth University. George Theoharis, Syracuse University.

Published 2013

Educational Leadership: Building Bridges Among Ideas, Schools, and Nations breaks new ground by connecting many ideas to educational leadership that have traditionally been discussed as part of leaders’ contexts by connecting them and showing how international issues can unite scholars and educators in action. The book draws on the authors’ extensive experiences in U.S. public schools, research in the field of educational leadership, and programmatic practices to prepare school leaders to commit themselves to social justice.

The book provides a forum for this important work in the ongoing conversation about equity and excellence in education, and the role(s) leadership can assume in building bridges among ideas, people, and educational organizations. Chapters center on creating spaces for vigorous dialogue. Authors call upon scholars and practitioners to reconsider their intent to empower those who live on the margins. The dynamic approaches discussed throughout the book urge school leaders, teachers, school community members, and those who prepare administrators to look within and build bridges between themselves and those they serve.

Series Editor’s Preface, Jeffrey S. Brooks. Foreword, Michael Dantley. The Next Era of School Leadership, Christa Boske. SECTION I: CONSIDERING HISTORICAL, CULTURAL, AND POLITICAL CONTEXTS FOR BRIDGE BUILDING. Significance of Bridge Building in Schools: Forwarding the Field of Educational Leadership, Christa Boske. Bridging Transformational Educational Leaders and Youth Activists: Human Rights Pedagogy for Social Justice, Azadeh F. Osanloo. SECTION II: BUILDING BRIDGES TO EMPOWER MARGINALIZED SCHOOL COMMUNITIES. Problematizing Family Engagement in Building Bridges to Improve Mathematics Education: Spaces for Participation, Javier Díez-Palomar, Marta Civil, and Silvia Molina Roldán. Pedagogy of Self-Development: The Role the Black Church Can Have on African American Students, Carlos R. McCray, Cosette M. Grant, and Floyd D. Beachum. Building Bridges to Address Issues of Gender: School Leaders’ Role in Promoting Equity, Jennifer R. Curry and Laura H. Choate. Native American Doctoral Students Build a Bridge into Community Engagement, Dana E. Christman. The Silent Minority: Invisible Bridges Among African Immigrants in America, Teresa A. Wasonga. SECTION III: PREPARING SCHOOL LEADERS TO BUILD BRIDGES IN THEIR SCHOOL COMMUNITIES. Photo Elicitation and Critical Geography as Bridge Building: Lessons From an Educational Leadership Classroom, Noelle Witherspoon Arnold. Creating Social Justice Leaders: Building Bridges Between School Leaders and Communities They Serve, Christa Boske. Preparing Principals for Social Justice Leadership Through Bridge Building: A Conceptual Framework for Cultivating Authentic Collaborative Leadership in Urban Schools, Elizabeth Alvarado and Robert Cooper. Social Justice Leadership Building Bridges: Creating an Institutional Culture of Care in Schools, Robert Cooper and Moses Chikwe. SECTION IV: PROFILES OF BRIDGE BUILDERS. The Legacy of Leadership: Mentoring and What It Means to be a Black Man, Mariel J. Sallee. “Part of the Fabric of How We Do Things”: Unexpected Commitment to Including All Students, George Theoharis and Deborah Capri. Moving Beyond Colonialism: Authentic Caring and Leadership in Arizona, Thad Dugan. Read With Passion, Joanne Kilgour Dowdy and Christa Boske. Heartbeat of a Caring School Leader, Lynn Robbins, Ira Bogotch, and Dilys Schoorman. More Bridging Needed, Christa Boske. Epilogue: Many Great Insights ... What Next? Jeffrey S. Brooks