Excursions and Recursions

Through Power, Privilege, and Praxis

Edited by:
Brandon Sams, University of North Carolina
Jennifer Job, University of of North Carolina
James C. Jupp, Georgis Southern University

A volume in the series: Curriculum and Pedagogy. Editor(s): The Curriculum and Pedagogy Group.

Published 2012

The Curriculum and Pedagogy book series is an enactment of the mission and values espoused by the Curriculum and Pedagogy Group, an international educational organization serving those who share a common faith in democracy and a commitment to public moral leadership in schools and society. Accordingly, the mission of this series is to advance scholarship that engages critical dispositions towards curriculum and instruction, educational empowerment, individual and collectivized agency, and social justice. The purpose of the series is to create and nurture democratic spaces in education, an aspect of educational thought that is frequently lacking in the extant literature, often jettisoned via efforts to de-politicize the study of education. Rather than ignore these conversations, this series offers the capacity for educational renewal and social change through scholarly research, arts-based projects, social action, academic enrichment, and community engagement. Authors will evidence their commitment to the principles of democracy, transparency, agency, multicultural inclusion, ethnic diversity, gender and sexuality equity, economic justice, and international cooperation. Furthermore, these authors will contribute to the development of deeper critical insights into the historical, political, aesthetic, cultural, and institutional subtexts and contexts of curriculum that impact educational practices. Believing that curriculum studies and the ethical conduct that is congruent with such studies must become part of the fabric of public life and classroom practices, this book series brings together prose, poetry, and visual artistry from teachers, professors, graduate students, early childhood leaders, school administrators, curriculum workers and planners, museum and agency directors, curators, artists, and various under-represented groups in projects that interrogate curriculum and pedagogical theories.

The James T. Sears Award. Foreword: Fast Swirling in the Middle Within a Culture of Cruelty, William M. Reynolds. Acknowledgments. Introduction: Traveling Together, Brandon Sams. EXCURSIONS. Introduction by Jennifer Job. Learning in Discomfort, Polly F. Attwood. Browning Beyond Debate: Mapping an Excursion Through Power, Privilege, and Praxis, Cole Reilly and Zahra Murad. Perdida/Lost: Self-Reflections in Nepantla as Voice Emerges, Elva Reza-López. Getting Lost in Life/Death Disruptions: Reclaiming the Right of a Legal Space, Miryam Espinosa-Dulanto. Becoming ELL Teachers: The Learning Trajectory of Two Preservice Teachers and Their Implications for Teacher Education Curriculum, Bridget A. Bunten. Restless and Lost in Curriculum and Pedagogy: Excursions and Interventions, Jennifer L. Milam. RECURSIONS. Introduction by James C. Jupp. PART I: RE/TURNING TO HISTORY. “Hopefully They Will See You in a Different Light”: A Critical Race Analysis of Double Consciousness, Raygine DiAquoi. The Nested Nature of M/Othering: Complicating Curriculum Conversations, Boni Wozolek. (Re)Righting the Script: Speaking Back to Public Curriculum to Secure a More Humanizing Citizenship for African American Women and Girls, Monique Cherry-McDaniel. Vision, Practice, Reflection: The Influence of Four Women on Progressive Education, Elinor A. Scheirer. PART II: RE/TURNING TO PRAXIS. Purple Crayons, Wild Things, and Dots: Getting Lost in Children’s Literature and Curriculum, Chris Loeffler. Troubling Teaching: Learning From Social Media, Susan L. M. Bartow. Receptive Praxis, Laura Rychly. Agency and Choice in Two Second-Grade Classrooms, Katrina F. Cook. About the Contributors.