Governance Issues in Strategic Alliances

Edited by:
T. K. Das, City University of New York

A volume in the series: Research in Strategic Alliances. Editor(s): T. K. Das, City University of New York.

Published 2016

Governance Issues in Strategic Alliances is a volume in the book series Research in Strategic Alliances that focuses on providing a robust and comprehensive forum for new scholarship in the field of strategic alliances. In particular, the books in the series cover new views of interdisciplinary theoretical frameworks and models, significant practical problems of alliance organization and management, and emerging areas of inquiry. The series also includes comprehensive empirical studies of selected segments of business, economic, industrial, government, and non-profit activities with wide prevalence of strategic alliances. Through the ongoing release of focused topical titles, this book series seeks to disseminate theoretical insights and practical management information that should enable interested professionals to gain a rigorous and comprehensive understanding of the field of strategic alliances.

Governance Issues in Strategic Alliances contains contributions by leading scholars in the field of strategic alliance research. The 10 chapters in this volume deal with significant issues relating to the governance of strategic alliances. These issues range from governance structure choices under diverse conditions of uncertainty, risks, controls, and resources, to the effects of governance decisions on asset protection, cooperative relationships, internal tensions, and culture management. The chapters contain empirical as well as conceptual treatments of the selected topics, and collectively present a wide-ranging review of the noteworthy research perspectives on the issues of governance in strategic alliances.

Foreword to the Book Series by Michael A. Hitt. About the Book Series by T. K. Das. Disentangling the Effect of Uncertainty Types on Alliance Governance Choice, Thomas Mellewigt, Anoop Madhok, Ingo Weller, Mohammad Keyhani, and Franziska König. Differential Effects of Contractual Governance on Asset Protection, Helene Delerue, Helene Sicotte, and Nathalie Drouin. Coercive and Enabling Controls in the Governance of Strategic Alliances, Muhammad Kaleem Zahir-ul-Hassan, Reinald A. Minnaar, and Ed G. J. Vosselman. Governance of Cooperative Relationships as Organizations: From Agency “Hard Control” to Trust-Based Stewardship “Soft Control”, Alfonso Miguel Marquez-Garcia. Resource Transformation through Alliances: The Resource-Based and Relational Rents Dilemma and Implications for the Evolution of Firm Boundaries, Anoop Madhok, Mohammad Keyhani, Bart Bossink, Paul Vlaar. Risk Types and Interfirm Alliance Structures, T. K. Das and Bing-Sheng Teng. Cultural Universalism or Cultural Relativism: Managing Culture in Strategic Alliances, Olivier Furrer, Brian Tjemkes, and Koen Adolfs. Tensions within Interorganizational Alliances: A Sponsorship Case Study, Ashlee Morgan, Tracy Lynn Taylor, Daryl Adair, and Antoine Hermens. Alliance Structure Choice in the Telecommunications Industry: Between Resource Type and Resource Heterogeneity, Thomas Mellewigt and T. K. Das. Value Enhancing in the Governance Decision Process: A Portfolio Theory Perspective on Strategic Alliances and Mergers and Acquisitions, Anna Sabidussi, Harry Bremmers, Geert Duysters, and Onno Omta. About the Contributors. Index.