Handbook of Research on Catholic Higher Education
Kendall Hunt
Ellis A. Joseph, University of Dayton
Ronald J. Nuzzi, University of Notre Dame
John O. Geiger, University of Dayton
Published 2003
The Handbook of Research of Catholic Higher Education provides an important and timely overview for scholars and students interested in understanding this important sector of private higher education. More importantly, it is an important resource for those faculty, staff, and administrators interested in shaping the distinctiveness of Catholic colleges and universities. The Handbook provides chapters presenting a thematic overview of a particular element of Catholic higher education and in addition provides an extensive bibliography resource of further reading. While some of the chapters will appeal to those with specialized interests, e.g. legal affairs, finance, and community relations, the chapters on mission and religious identity, history, and the documents on Catholic higher education provide an important perspective on the challenges facing Catholic higher education and should be read by everyone involved in Catholic colleges and universities. The Handbook of Research of Catholic Higher Education is an important resource for understanding and shaping the distinctiveness of Catholic higher education.
Dedication and Acknowledgements. Foreword. Preface. Part I: Foundational Issues. Connatural Knowledge The Philosophy Undergirding The Predecisional Formation Of Catholic Educational Leaders. Ellis A. Joseph. Identity and Mission: Catholic Higher Education. James. L. Heft. Research Concerning Ethical Issues in Catholic Higher Education. Ronald W. Rebore. Documents Regarding Catholic Higher Education. Alice Gallin. Bibliographic Essay on the History of Catholic Higher Education. Philip Gleason. Part II: Administration. Governance of Catholic Higher Education. John Geiger. Philosophical Foundations of the Catholic College and University Curriculum. Ellis A. Joseph. Finance and Development. Thomas E Burkhardt and Patricia Detzel. The Law and Catholic Higher Education: An Overview. Charles J. Russo. Part III: Human Resources. Faculty. John Geiger. The Millennial Generation on Catholic Campuses: Changes and Challenges in Ethnicity, Social Status, Spirituality and Gender. Laura Leming. Research on Student Affairs at Catholic Colleges and Universities. Molly A. Schaller.
Religious Orders and Higher Education. Patricia Wittberg. Part IV: Special Issues. Campus Ministry on Catholic Campuses. Joseph H.
Lackner. Catholic Higher Education as a Context for University-Community Partnerships. James M. Frabutt. Contributors. Author Index. Subject Index.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
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