The Handbook of the Evolving Research of Transformative Learning

Based on the Learning Activities Survey (10th Anniversary Edition)

Edited by:
Kathleen P. King, University of Central Florida

A volume in the series: Adult Education Special Topics: Theory, Research and Practice in LifeLong Learning. Editor(s): Kathleen P. King, University of Central Florida.

Published 2009

Associate Editor: Seamus King

This handbook is a much expanded version of the original Learning Activities Survey published by Dr. Kathleen P. King of Fordham University in 1998. Based on her ground breaking research in this field where she used a mixed methodology research approach to study transformative learning, the book will provide a model of research, firsthand perspective of how research design develops, reprints of articles based on the related research and specific assistance in conducting further research in this area. Over 50 studies around the world have been conducted base on King’s original research, and her work has extended across more than 12 studies since the original publication.

Moreover, this volume is a vital research companion book to King’s popular book, Bringing Transformative Learning to Life (Krieger, 2005). Based on our history with the prior edition (it is sold out); this book will have wide appeal among adult education human resource development, psychology and counseling researchers, students, professors, and practitioners, and it serve as an excellent textbook or personal introduction studies of foundations of adult learning, applied research or transformative learning. Professors and students of adult learning, counseling, human resource development, staff development, educational administration and leadership, psychology and other social sciences use this as a guide for research studies especially in the area of adult learning and/or transformative learning.

Readers will find that this handbook provides an overview of King’s transformative learning research dating back to 1997, a manual for use of the research tools, a research methodology and an approach to open new vistas of research. The first manual (published in 1998) is now out of print and this 10th anniversary edition not only fills the gap, but also continues where it stopped. This handbook delineates the original model and the expanding and evolving research which has developed from 1997 to 2008.

More than a manual, instead this book uses a variety of formats to accomplish this goal: reflection, formal discussion, instructions, technical information, personal and learner stories, selected research articles, and several modified forms of the original Learning Activities Survey (LAS) instrument.

Introduction. 1 Transformative Learning and the Learning Activities Survey. 2 The Learning Activities Survey: Presented and Reviewed. 3 Applications, Instructions, and Technical Information: The Learning Activities Survey. 4 Overview of Research Findings and Reprints. 5 The Adult ESL Experience: Facilitating Perspective Transformation in the Classroom. 6 A Journey of Transformation: A Model of Educators’ Learning Experiences in Educational Technology. 7 Professors’ Transforming Perspectives of Teaching and Learning While Learning Technology. 8 Exploring Feminist Research and Pedagogy in the Shadow of Tragedy: International Perspectives Construct a Response in Lifelong Learning. 9 Anytime? Anywhere?: What Needs Face Us in Teaching Professional Educators Online? Kathleen P. King and Marlene D. Dunham. 10 Models Emerging from this Research. 11 LAS-Related Research Conducted by Others. 12 Interviews and Revelations from Adventures in Transformative Learning Podcast. 13 Modified Forms, Interview Formats, and Related Documents. 14 Looking Forward: Conclusions. About the Author

"The Handbook of the Evolving Research of Transformative Learning Based on the Learning Activities Survey is a welcome addition to the adult education/transformative learning fields. It is both a comprehensive overview of perspective transformation as well as an accessible manual that will support turning theory into practice. As such, King’s text is an excellent reference for the practitioner’s library and a useful manual for the researcher’s use." Patricia Mytkowicz, EdD Curry College in Education Review (Read full review)