Inquiry into Mathematics Teacher Education
Edited by:
Fran Arbaugh
P. Mark Taylor
A volume in the series: The AMTE Monograph Series. Editor(s): Babette M. Benken, California State University, Long Beach.
Published 2015
(Orginally published in 2008)
The 14 chapters in this monograph provide support for mathematics teacher educators in both their Practical Knowledge and their Professional Knowledge. Individually, these articles provide insights into advancing our thinking about professional development, teacher preparation, and program development. Collectively, they have the potential to help the field of mathematics teacher education move forward in framing effective practices in mathematics teacher education and developing a focused, cohesive research agenda. ATME's Monograph 5, therefore, is a superb resource for mathematics teacher education.

- MAT000000 - MATHEMATICS: General
- MAT030000 - MATHEMATICS: Study & Teaching
Cases in Mathematics Teacher Education Tools for Developing Knowledge Needed for Teaching
Lessons Learned from Research on Mathematics Curriculum
Mathematics Teaching Putting Research into Practice at All Levels
Middle Math Improving the Undergraduate Preparation of Teachers of Middle Grades Mathematics
Scholarly Practices and Inquiry in the Preparation of Mathematics Teachers
The Work of Mathematics Teacher Educators Exchanging Ideas for Effective Practice
The Work of Mathematics Teacher Educators Continuing the Conversation - 2006