Instructional Innovations in Teaching and Learning
A volume in the series: Innovative Perspectives of Higher Education: Research, Theory and Practice. Editor(s): Kathleen P. King, University of Central Florida.
Call for Book Proposal Submissions
Widespread adoption and integration of technology into our everyday lives provides a powerful lever for educational purposes. Dr King says, “In the last 20 years we have seen technology use shift from early adopters to mainstream society. This series offers the opportunity for educational innovators who are instructors, researchers and/or developers to communicate the vibrant work they have accomplished the vision to reach further.” Dr. Kathleen P. King is an award-winning author, researcher and editor of this IAP series. "This series provides instructors, instructional designers and administrators with quality, innovative, substantial and yet practical applications of technology to teaching and learning. Each volume will have a theme and the editors will invite expert authors or issue a Call for Papers.” It is intended that the chapters of the volumes could take different literary forms, but will always focus on educational technology in action: identifying promising practices, applying theory and research to practice, and sharing reflections on and recommendations for learning and application of technology in education, for instance.The series is broad enough to include not only instruction in classrooms and virtual spaces, social media, robotics, virtual reality, online learning in synchronous, asynchronous or mixed modes, but also innovative adoption of technology to the large world of teaching and learning across contexts- P-12, postsecondary education, formal and informal education, training, and more. The Instructional Innovations in Teaching and Learning series always provide a valuable resource and community for participation in understanding current practice, research and theory in educational technology.
Academics with research and experience in instructional technology are welcome to submit book proposals to Dr. King for consideration (KPKing @ TransformationED.com). The following essential elements must be included in the proposal
- Overall objectives and significance of the book project in a detailed statement of purpose (1-3 pages).
Include responses to all of these questions in your statement of purpose:- Who is/are the author(s)/editor(s)?
- If this is an edited volume, include a list of contributors/affiliations. Indicate if tentative list.
- Who is your audience for this book? (e.g., academic or professional, or reference work)?
- What is the book’s adoption/purchase potential?
- How could the book be marketed (e.g., list professional societies or SIGs that would be interested in this book)?
- How do you expect readers to make use of this book?
- How does the book extend current knowledge in your field of study?
- How does the project explore previously unrecognized or infrequently considered topics?
- How does this book fit in with the published literature? Be specific about the competition and the unique gap your work addresses.
- What is the length of the project?
- What is your schedule for delivery of the final draft?
- Are there any special production issues, i.e., complex graphics, art work, photos, etc.?
- Are you submitting your proposal to other prospective publishers?
- An outline of the book that provides a short narrative description of each chapter. For edited volumes, provide a list of the chapter titles or topics that will be covered.
- resume or curriculum vitae for each authors(s) or editor(s).
- A sample chapter or section if available, or if not, a sample of a journal article or conference paper that is similar to the proposed volume. Obviously, this sample needs to have been written by the submitting author.