International Perspectives on Social Justice in Mathematics Education

Edited by:
Bharath Sriraman, University of Montana

A volume in the series: The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast. Editor(s): Bharath Sriraman, University of Montana.

Published 2007

International Perspectives and Research on Social Justice in Mathematics Education is the highly acclaimed inaugural monograph of The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast now available through IAP. The book covers prescient social, political and ethical issues for the domain of education in general and mathematics education in particular from the perspectives of critical theory, feminist theory and social justice research. The major themes in the book are (1) relevant mathematics, teaching and learning practices for minority and marginalized students in Australia, Brazil, South Africa, Israel, Palestine, and the United States., (2) closing the achievement gap in the U.K, U.S and Iceland across classes, ethnicities and gender, and (3) the political dimensions of mathematics. The fourteen chapters are written by leading researchers in the international community interested and active in research issues of equity and social justice.

On the Origins of Social Justice: Darwin, Freire, Marx and Vivekananda, Bharath Sriraman. Home, School, and Community Partnerships in Numeracy Education: An Australian Perspective, . Peace, Social Justice and Ethnomathematics, Ubiratan D’Ambrosio. Mathematical Marginalisation and Meritocracy: Inequity in an English Classroom, Andrew Noyes. Some Tensions in Mathematics Education for Democracy, Iben Maj Christiansen. Undertaking an Archaeological Dig in Search of Pedagogical Relay, Robyn Zevenbergen and Steve Flavel. The Mathematics Club for Excellent Students as Common Ground for Bedouin and Other Israeli Youth, Miriam Amit, Michael N. Fried, and Mohammed Abu-Naja. Some Thoughts on Passive Resistance to Learning, Tod L. Shockey and Ravin Gustafson. Issues of Status and Values in the Professional Development of Mathematics Teachers, Libby Knott. Connecting Community, Critical, and Classical Knowledge in Teaching Mathematics for Social Justice, Eric Gutstein. How Many Deaths? Education for Statistical Empathy, Swapna Mukhopadhyay and Brian Greer. Fundamental Reasons for Mathematics Education in Iceland, Kristín Bjarnadóttir. "Before You Divide, You Have to Add:" Inter-Viewing Indian Students’ Foregrounds, Ole Skovsmose, Helle Alrø and Paola Valero in collaboration with Ana Paula Silvério and Pedro Paulo Scandiuzzi. Iceland and Rural/Urban Girls-PISA 2003 Examined from an Emancipatory Viewpoint, Olof Bjorg Steinthorsdóttir and Bharath Sriraman. About the Contributors.