Internationalizing Teacher Education for Social Justice
Theory, Research, and Practice
Edited by:
Suniti Sharma, Saint Joseph's University
JoAnn Phillion, Purdue University
Jubin Rahatzad, Purdue University
Hannah L. Sasser, Purdue University
A volume in the series: Research for Social Justice: Personal~Passionate~Participatory Inquiry. Editor(s): Ming Fang He, Georgia Southern University. JoAnn Phillion, Purdue University.
Published 2014
In Internationalizing Teacher Education for Social Justice: Theory, Research, and Practice, editors Suniti Sharma, JoAnn Phillion, Jubin Rahatzad, and Hannah L. Sasser present a collection of personal, passionate, and participatory global perspectives of teacher educators on internationalizing teacher education for social justice. The reader will encounter each author’s personal and professional journey into global classrooms for internationalizing teacher education and supporting future teachers in developing competencies necessary for addressing the academic needs of diverse K-12 classrooms. This collection provides a broad, critical, and interpretive overview of shifts in U.S. and global perspectives to offer transformative frameworks and strategies on preparing K-12 teachers to meet the complex demands for skills in the twenty-first century. The global tenor of this book, framed by theory, research, and practice spanning several countries provides a timely contribution to internationalizing teacher education for social justice in the twenty-first century. The authors’ dedication to preparing teachers who have knowledge of world cultures and global issues, combined with a deep commitment to social justice for promoting equity in education, informs each chapter. The authors take up the internationalization of teacher education for social justice as both an opportunity and a challenge, transcending rhetoric to meaningful action, situating their global understanding to inform readers of critical engagement with, and examination of, theory, research, and practice for effecting social and educational change.
Preface. Series Foreword—Research For Social Justice: Personal~Passionate~Participatory Inquiry, Ming Fang He and JoAnn Phillion. Introduction: Internationalizing Teacher Education for Social Justice. Tōku Aotearoa Hāerenga: Strengthening Social Justice in Teacher Education Through International Field Experiences, Angela M. Jaime. International Immersion Experiences: Helping Preservice Teachers to Reconceptualize the Role of Poor Communities in Education, Encarna Rodríguez. Perception of Place in Study Abroad Programs: An Experience for Personal and Intellectual Growth, Genevieve Aglazor. Standing the Test of Time: Overseas Student Teaching’s Lasting Impact on Participants’ Perspectives and Practices, Olga N. Shonia and Laura L. Stachowski. Avoiding Future Hauntings? Teaching for Social Justice in Higher Education in the Postcolonial Context of Hong Kong, Sheila Trahar. Selling Illusions? Achieving “Intercultural Competence” as an Outcome of International Experiences for Preservice Teacher Candidates, Roopa Desai Trilokekar and Zainab Kizilbash. The Possibilities of Intercultural Teaching Experiences for Teaching for Social Justice, Candace Schlein. Strategies for Enhancing Intercultural Competence Across the Teacher Education Curriculum, Kenneth Cushner. Cuban/U.S. Educational Boundaries: The Unspoken Political-Cultural Contexts of Research, Agendas, Barbara Garii. Internationalizing Teacher Education Through Study Abroad: Crossing Borders, Building Bridges, and Raising Consciousness Toward Social Justice, Suniti Sharma. About the Authors/Editors.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
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