Managing Human Resources for the Millennial Generation
Edited by:
William I. Sauser Jr., Auburn University
Ronald R. Sims, William & Mary
A volume in the series: Contemporary Human Resource Management Issues Challenges and Opportunities. Editor(s): Ronald R. Sims, William & Mary.
Published 2013
The purpose of this book is to explore the talents, work styles, attitudes, and issues that members of the Millennial generation are bringing with them as they enter the workforce. The Millennial generation is a roughly 20-year cohort of young people whose ‘leading edge’ members were born in 1982 and graduated high school in 2000. These are the young adults who began entering college, the military, and the workplace during the present decade, and who will continue to do so for perhaps another decade more. The Millennial generation has been exposed during their formative years to a unique variety of historical, cultural, economic, and technological changes that have shaped their particular attitudes and values, preferred social interaction styles, beliefs about what is proper in the workplace, and personal concerns and desires. Millennials are bringing their unique perspectives into their places of employment, where at times they clash with those of the older generations who are already established there.
Acknowledgments. Who Are the Millennials and How Are They Challenging Modern Human Resources Management? Ronald R. Sims and William I. Sauser, Jr. PART I: CHARACTERISTICS AND VALUES OF THE MILLENNIAL GENERATION. Millennials Break Out as the Me Generation: Their Attitudes, Expectations and Fears, Daniel D. Butler and William I. Sauser, Jr. Millennial Work Expectations and Organizational Incentive Systems: “Carrots” for the New Millennium, Daniel J. Svyantek, Kristin L. Cullen, and Frances L.H. Svyantek. Just What Is Important to Millennial Job Candidates: It’s Not What We Assumed, Kyra Leigh Sutton. Giving Voice to Values: Engaging Millennials and Managing Multigenerational Cultures, Jessica McManus Warnell. PART II: MILLENNIALS AND THE TRADITIONAL FUNCTIONS OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. Leveraging Web 2.0 Technologies in the Recruitment of Millennial Job Candidates, Jared J. Llorens and Alexandrea Wilson. New Selection Methods for a New Generation, Jeffrey Crenshaw and Kyle Brink. Considering Generational Differences in Assessing Work Values ... A Unifying Approach, Kenneth P. Yusko and Brian L. Bellenger. Employee-Friendly Policies and Development Benefits for Millennials, Jonathan P. West. Texts, Emails, and Google Searches: Training in a Multigenerational Workplace, Patrick Deery. PART III: BEST PRACTICES FOR MANAGING HUMAN RESOURCES FROM THE MILLENNIAL GENERATION. Best Practices for Managing Generation Y, Susan Eisner. A New Talent Agenda, Milano Reyna and Rishap Malhotra. Implications of Values of the Millennial Generation on HR Infrastructure, Sheri K. Bias and Donna L. Phillips. Millennial-Centric Strategic HR: Key Practices for Attracting, Developing, and Retaining Millennials, Scott A. Quatro. PART IV: SPECIAL ISSUES AND CONTEXTS. Promises of Telecommuting and Preferences of Millennials: Exploring the Nexus, Ajantha Dharmasiri, Danielle Beu Ammeter, John E. Baur and M. Ronald Buckley. Millennials in the Workforce: Unions and Management Battle for the Soul of a Generation, Marcia A. Beck and Jonathan P. West. Small Businesses, Value Added, and the Millennials, Jackie A. DiPofi and Margaret Fitch-Hauser. PART V: CONCLUDING THOUGHTS. Building Bridges Between the Millennials and Other Generations, Ronald R. Sims. About the Authors. Index.
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- eBook978-1-62396-054-4

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