Partnerships for Leadership Preparation and Development
Facilitators, Barriers and Models for Change
Edited by:
Frances K. Kochan, Auburn University
Ellen H. Reames, Auburn University
Dana M. Griggs, Columbus State University
A volume in the series: Dimensions of Leadership and Institutional Success: Exploring Connections and Partnerships. Editor(s): Ellen H. Reames, Auburn University.
Published 2021
There is a large body of research that supports the reality that school leaders make a significant contribution to the success of schools and the students in them. Additionally, there is strong agreement among and between researchers and state and national educational leadership associations that educational leadership preparation and development should be created and implemented within university/school partnerships. Although institutions engage in forming university/school partnerships for varied reasons, research on the extent to which these partnerships exist; their organizational structures and processes; their implementation and effectiveness; and elements that foster and hinder their success is limited.
Perhaps more importantly, there is not a widely accepted, research-based model of such partnerships that practitioners and researchers can use to guide the development and assessment of these partnership endeavors and upon which they can conduct effective research. This book seeks to fill these gaps. It presents the purposes, processes, practices and outcomes of eleven university/school partnerships focused on school leadership preparation and/or development.
Each chapter presents an overview of the partnership, elements that fostered and hindered partnership success, and lessons learned. The book concludes with a chapter that summarizes findings across all chapters and presents a school/university partnership model that can be used by those interested in forming, improving or researching similar partnership endeavors. There are no similar resources available in the field. Thus, this book makes an important contribution to the literature and to the world of practice and research.
Praise for Partnerships for Leadership Preparation and Development: Facilitators, Barriers and Models for Change:
"Kochan, Reames and Griggs bring together the latest research and eleven case examples of university-practice partnerships for school leadership preparation and development. The volume provides keen insights into practices that can make or break an effective partnership, making it a valuable resource for those seeking to develop new partnerships, to enhance existing ones, and to engage in research on this topic. For those in the throes of redesign or leadership program improvement, it is an essential read."
Michelle D. Young,
Professor and Dean, Loyola Marymount University
UCEA Executive Director Emeritus
"Partnerships for Leadership Preparation and Development is destined to become an indispensable “go-to” resource for educators who are contemplating or already engaged in school-university partnerships. Rich details are provided about a variety of partnerships operating for aspiring and practicing schools administrators, with special attention to preparing and developing underserved populations for educational leadership roles. The book not only captures the realities of these collaborative efforts, but also provides a roadmap for anticipating the important relational, organizational, and operational processes required for partnership success."
Bruce Barnett, Professor
Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
University of Texas at San Antonio
Endorsements. SECTION I: INTRODUCTION. Partnerships for Leadership Preparation and Development: An Overview, Frances Kochan and Dana Griggs. SECTION II: PARTNERSHIPS FOR LEADERSHIP PREPARATION THROUGH PROGRAM REDESIGN. The Principal Leadership Fellows Program: A Retrospective Look at a Partnership-Based Educational Leadership Program Redesign, Jo Beth Jimerson, Erin D. Atwood, Kimberly S. Cook, Paige F. Corder, and Marla W. McGhee. Exploring Factors that Facilitated a K–12 School District/University Partnership Within a Redesigned Educational Leadership Preparation Program, Robert L. Hudson. Enhancing School Leader Capacity: A Standards-Based Awareness and Readiness Curriculum, Carmen Mombourquette and Pamela Adams. SECTION III: PARTNERSHIPS FOR LEADERSHIP PREPARATION TO MEET IDENTIFIED NEEDS. Factors That Contribute to a Strong District-University Partnership: A District Stakeholder Perspective, Raymond Lamont Haynes, Karen L. Sanzo, and Jay Paredes Scribner. The IMPACT Arkansas Fellowship Program: A Unique Partnership in Educational Leadership Preparation, Ed Bengston. Partnering to Develop School Leaders: A Model For Success, Henry B. Russell. Creating and Sustaining Authentic Partnerships to Support Educational Leadership Doctoral Student Success, Sheila Moore. SECTION IV: PARTNERSHIPS FOR LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT. Partnering for Authenticity to Prepare School Administrators. Maria B. Roberts, Miguel M. Gonzales, and Dana L. Bickmore. Program Development for School Principals’ Continuing Education: Overcoming Partnership Tensions Between School Board and University, Emmanuel Poirel, Huguette Drouin, David D’Arrisso, and Alexandre Beaupre-Lavallee. Partnership For District Leadership Development: Two Tales, Glenys Hill, Donna Augustine-Shaw, and Jia Grace Liang. Don’t Forget Us: Leadership Development for Assistant Principals Through Co-Mentoring, Kathleen M. Cowin. SECTION V: SYNTHESIS AND FUTURE RESEARCH. Partnerships in Educational Leadership Preparation and Development: What Works and What’s Next? Frances Kochan, Ellen H. Reames, Amy Serafini, and Angela C. Adair. A Model for Future Practice and Research, Ellen H. Reames and Frances Kochan.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook978-1-64802-238-8

- EDU059000 - EDUCATION: Teacher & Student Mentoring
- EDU032000 - EDUCATION: Leadership
- EDU003000 - EDUCATION: Aims & Objectives
Committing to Action Socially Just Leadership Education
Creating School Partnerships that Work A Guide for Practice and Research
Educational Leadership Program Coordinators Partnership Creators Through Social Connectedness
Exploring the Role of the Educational Leadership Program Coordinator Practice, Problems and Possibilities
Leveraging Crisis for Equitable School Improvement Leadership Strategies from the Field
Navigating the Ubiquitous, Misunderstood, and Evolving Role of the Educational Leadership Program Coordinator in Higher Education
Rural Turnaround Leadership Development The Power of Partnerships