Pedagogy into Practice
A Handbook for New Teachers
Frances R. Spielhagen, Mount Saint Mary College
Nicole Speranzo, Mount Saint Mary College
Published 2020
The purpose of this book is to help new teachers transition from students in education courses to proactive educators who can translate what they have learned in methods classes into realistic practices as novice teachers. This book will help these candidates operationalize good educational pedagogy and understand the connections between theory and practice. This book will also explain the logical connections between standard curriculum theory and certification examinations like the edTPA. Pedagogy into Practice is also answering the current cry, of how to teach in a virtual setting during this Pandemic, by offering up to date information on virtual learning.
An expert in teacher education and a novice teacher brilliantly combine forces to help teachers improve their first years in service. This text is skillfully crafted and thoughtfully laid out in a way that will provide you a roadmap to navigate the common issues and concerns all new teachers face. From understanding curriculum design to aligning assessments to planning, this valuable resource will be your “go-to” guide. Also, a powerful text for teacher training, you will want to make sure this text is close at hand.
Richard M. Cash
Educator and Consultant
Author of Advancing Differentiation: Thinking and Learning for the 21st Century
“This is an excellent resource that will be extremely valuable to the busy classroom teacher.”
Margaret Sutherland
Senior Lecturer and Director
Post Graduate Research in the School of Education,
University of Glasgow, Scotland.
“Long overdue and so needed….Pedagogy into Practice: A Handbook for New Teachers is an educational guide through the lenses of a master and novice educator. The authors converge their individual perspectives to provide a practical and insightful guide for teachers in all aspects of the teaching profession. Experienced and new teachers to the profession will refer to this handbook time and time again!”
Dana McDonough
2016 New York State Teacher of the Year
CONTENTS: Introduction: Pedagogy Revisited-Not Another Textbook! CHAPTER 1: Key Concepts in Curriculum Planning. CHAPTER 2: Operationalizing Content: Making Standards Work Realistically and Effectively. CHAPTER 3: Understanding your Students: Avoiding Deficit Thinking and Focusing on Student Assets. CHAPTER 4: Translating Methods Concepts Into Daily Practice: Practical Application of Pedagogical Principles Into Lesson Planning and Implementation. CHAPTER 5: Assessment and Planning: A Symbiotic Relationship. CHAPTER 6: Outside Evaluation of Teacher Effectiveness-Planning for the edTPA. CHAPTER 7: Conclusion: Pulling it All Together-The Importance of Teacher Reflection in Bridging Theory into Practice. CHAPTER 8: Wait! Wait! There’s More! The Brave New World of Virtual Learning. About the Authors.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook978-1-64113-799-7

- EDU053000 - EDUCATION: Training & Certification
- EDU050000 - EDUCATION: Collaborative & Team Teaching
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