Personality, Stress, and Coping
Implications for Education
Edited by:
Gretchen M. Reevy, California State University, East Bay
Erica Frydenberg, University of Melbourne, Australia
A volume in the series: Research on Stress and Coping in Education. Editor(s): Christopher J. McCarthy, University of Texas at Austin. Richard G. Lambert, University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
Published 2011
Nearly all chapters in this volume are contemporary original research on personality, stress, and coping in educational contexts. The research spans primary, secondary, and tertiary education. Research participants are students and teachers. The volume brings together contributions from the United States, Australia, Canada, Italy, Scotland, and Hong Kong. Outcomes of interest in the studies include achievement (e.g., grades), cognitive processes such as problem solving, and psychological/ emotional health and well-being.
The book is divided into two sections. Part I focuses on personality, stress, and coping in children and young people and Part II addresses personality, stress and coping among adults. Each chapter is introduced by an abstract that summarizes the study. Each chapter makes a unique contribution and can stand alone; interested individuals may benefit from reading any of the chapters without the necessity of reading others. At the same time, there is frequent content overlap among chapters; many authors utilized some of the same measurement devices to assess study variables, and similar or identical variables are studied across chapters utilizing diverse theoretical perspectives or models. In measuring coping, several chapters used the Adolescent Coping Scale (Frydenberg & Lewis, 1993) and a number of others utilized the COPE scale (Carver, Scheier, & Weintraub, 1989). Particular personality models or variables were commonly studied. A few chapters investigated the Big Five, two studied self efficacy and two researched implicit theories of personality.
Acknowledgments. Introduction, Gretchen M. Reevy and Erica Frydenberg. PART I: PERSONALITY, STRESS, AND COPING IN CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE. Adolescent Coping Styles and Task-Specific Responses: Does Style Foreshadow Action? Michelle Andrews, Mary Ainley, and Erica Frydenberg. The Relationship Between Coping Strategies, Decision Coping Patterns, and Self-Efficacy in Adolescence, Leon Mann, Laura Nota, Salvatore Soresi, Lea Ferrari, and Erica Frydenberg. Implicit Theories of Personality Predict Motivation to Use Prosocial Coping Responses After Bullying in High School, David Scott Yeager and Adriana S. Miu. Coping Styles and Anxiety Among Female Victims of Bullying, Katherine Poynton and Erica Frydenberg. Understanding Adolescent Risk-Taking Behavior: Exploring the Motivations, Personalities, and Coping Styles of Young People in a School-Based Population, Nicola Cogan and Matthias Schwannauer. The Relationship Between Positive Development During the Transition to Adulthood and Education, Temperament, and Personality, Meredith O’Connor, Ann Sanson, and Erica Frydenberg. PART II: PERSONALITY, STRESS, AND COPING AMONG ADULTS. Optimism, Emotional Support, and Depression Among First-Year University Students: Implications for Psychological Functioning Within the Educational Setting, Melina Condren and Esther R. Greenglass. College Students’ Meaning Making Following Significant Loss, Crystal L. Park and Craig L. Esposito. Implicit Theories of Personality, Stress, and Coping of Chinese Nursing Students, Joanne Chan Chung Yan. Relationships of Big Five Traits and Coping Mechanisms With College Grade Point Average, Gretchen M. Reevy. Personality Traits, Preventive Coping, and Self-Care in Master’s Level Counselor Training, Minda Markle and Christopher J. McCarthy. “You Are Who You Are:” A Mixed-Method Study of Affectivity and Emotion Regulation in Curbing Teacher Burnout, Russell L. Carson, Stefanie Plemmons, Thomas J. Templin, and Howard M. Weiss. Building Inner Resilience in Teachers and Students, Linda Lantieri, Eden Nagler Kyse, Susanne Harnett, and Charlotte Malkmus. Personality Hardiness as a Pathway to Resilience Under Educational Stresses, Salvatore R. Maddi. About the Authors.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
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- EDU009000 - EDUCATION: Educational Psychology
- EDU037000 - EDUCATION: Research
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