Principal 2.0
Technology and Educational Leadership
Edited by:
Matthew Militello, North Carolina State University
Jennifer Friend, University of Missouri - Kansas City
Published 2013
This volume of essays provides insights into educational technology from a diverse set of vantage points. Each chapter provides school leaders with both conceptual insights and practical guides. Moreover, the authors of these insights and guides are eclectic including: current K-12 school educators and students, professors and graduate students of educational technology and educational leadership, and technology industry leaders. Our goal was to provide a thoughtful and thought-provoking set of essays that propels your own work in the world of educational technology forward.
The audience for this book includes teachers, school and district leaders, educational technologists, educational policymakers, and higher education faculty. Chapters demonstrate a number of specific uses of advanced technologies in schools, in educational leadership, and in leadership preparatory programs. Chapters are accompanied by screen-captured images and links to multimedia examples that are accessible to readers via the Internet, including digital artifacts of leadership and learning that will guide readers to implementation in diverse educational settings.
Foreword: Ready Set Go! with Educational Technology, Governor Beverly Perdue. Acknowledgments. Introduction: Making the Case for Principal 2.0, Jennifer Friend and Matthew Militello. PART I: PERSPECTIVES ON TECHNOLOGY AND SCHOOLING. Augmenting Educational Realities, John Militello. The Role of For-Profit Firms in the Educational Ecosystem, Michael J. Schmedlen. Generation X Meets Generation Y: Reflections on Technology and Schooling, Jennifer Friend and Alexander
David Friend. Zen and the Art of Technology in Schools: Multigenerational Perspectives, Matthew Militello, Ronald Militello, Dominic Militello, Luke Militello, and Gabriel Militello. PART II: TECHNOLOGY EDUCATORS CAN USE TODAY. Digital Storytelling for Critical Reflection: An Educational Leadership Story, Francisco Guajardo, Miguel A. Guajardo, John A. Oliver, Mónica M. Valadez, and Mark Cantu. Engaging Youth Voice: Collaborative Reflection to Inform School Relationships, Processes, and Practices, Christopher Janson, Sejal Parikh, Jacqueline Jones, Terrinikka Ransome, and Levertice Moses. There’s an App for That: 50 Ways To Use Your iPad, April Adams and Jennifer Friend. Student-Owned Mobile Technology Use in the Classroom: An Innovation Whose Time Has Come, Tricia J. Stewart and Shawndra T. Johnson. Affective Learning Through Social Media Engagement, David Ta-Pryor and Jonathan T. Ta-Pryor. The Central Texas Community Learning Exchange Digi-Book: Fostering School and Community Engagement Through the Creation of a Digital Book, Lee Francis, IV, Mónica M. Valadez, John A. Oliver, and Miguel A. Guajardo. Leaders Online: Enhancing Communication with Facebook and Twitter, John B. Nash and Dan Cox. PART III: SOCIOPOLITICAL CONTEXT FOR TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION. Balancing Effective Technology Leadership with Legal Compliance: Legal Considerations for Principal 2.0, Justin Bathon and Kevin P. Brady. Connected Principals: In Pursuit of Social Capital via Social Media, Candice Barkley and Jonathan D. Becker. School Leaders’ Perceptions of the Technology Standards, Matthew Militello and Alpay Ersozlu. Supporting Effective Technology Integration and Implementation, Scott McLeod and Jayson W. Richardson. About the Contributors.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook978-1-62396-303-3

- EDU039000 - EDUCATION: Computers & Technology
- EDU037000 - EDUCATION: Research
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