Refractions of Mathematics Education
Festschrift for Eva Jablonka
Edited by:
Christer Bergsten, Linkoepings Universitet, Sweden
Bharath Sriraman, University of Montana
A volume in the series: Cognition, Equity & Society: International Perspectives. Editor(s): Bharath Sriraman, University of Montana.
Published 2015
The diversity of research in mathematics education has been addressed as both, a problem and a strength. When manifested through adherence to different intellectual roots and theoretical orientations, diversions constitute ‘refractions’ of mathematics education. The collection and analysis of empirical data in a study are by necessity refracted through the specific analytical lens employed, as well as the aim of the study itself. Refractions can also refer to looking at old phenomena through new lenses.
The chapters in this book are refracted through philosophical, political, mathematical and personal lenses by distinguished authors in the field, addressing issues about the elusive experience of doing mathematics, purification of texts, refractions, mathematics and ethnomathematics, political messages in textbook tasks, mathematics education policy debate, the political in mathematics education research, philosophy and mathematics, meanings and representations, identity of mathematical modeling, and dilemmas in the teaching of calculus.
An ancient Sanskrit adage states that Knowledge is something that grows when shared, but shrinks when hoarded. Academics engaged in the generation of new Knowledge are blessed with both the time and the freedom to engage in pursuits that allow for intellectual pleasure. As a phenomenon of the Zeitgeist many have succumbed to the increased corporatization of academic work, engaging in activities for monetary and self advancement purposes. Are there any real intellectuals left in academia, a là Adorno, Bourdieu, Chomsky, Foucault, among others? This Festschrift is dedicated to academics that don't bother with self promotion or aggrandizement of themselves or their ideas in simplistic terms.
Introduction, Christer Bergsten and Bharath Sriraman. Preface. On Returning, Peter Appelbaum. Beyond the Representation Given: The Parabola and Historical Metamorphoses of Meanings, Christer Bergsten. ???: Thoughts on Purification, Liminality, Art, Fermented Shark, Mathematics, and Education for Creativity, Paul Dowling. Musings about Models and Modeling in Mathematics, Michael N. Fried. Mathematics and the Yellowing of Ideologies, Uwe Gellert. Who Needs Mathematics Educators for Mathematics Education, Anyway? Brian Greer. Pursuing Refractions: A Conversation with Eva Jablonka, Steve Lerman. Mathematics and Philosophy: A Semiotic and Historical Perspective, Michael Otte. (Ethno)mathematics as Discourse, Ole Skovsmose. Examining Political Perspectives in Mathematics Education, Paola Valero and Alexandre Pais. Mathematical Analysis in High School: A Fundamental Dilemma, Carl Winsløw. The White Paper.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook978-1-68123-031-3

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