Stop and Think
Ending the Political Game: Productivity Has Always Been the Answer
Published 2025
The answers exist for helping individuals achieve a better lifestyle. However, they are buried under the political mindset that the key to economic prosperity is by embracing the ideology of big government, and by promoting a never-ending list of social programs.
Distributing economic handouts through political programs is not an effective way to help an individual live a fulfilling life, it only creates government dependency, and make no mistake about it, dependency and government control is the desired outcome of those who promote government as the answer.
On the other hand, the principles of the economic way of thinking focus upon the realization that providing an economic hand up is the only way to establish an environment where individuals are free to pursue their dreams and help others achieve a fulfilling life. Embedded within the economic way of thinking is the realization that increases in productivity result in more output and income. Bottom line, the information in the book helps the reader to understand economic facts and debunk myths.
"Hooray to Daniel Wentland for demystifying genuine economics and the impact on today’s society. Productivity is the ultimate engine of growth in the global economy and Wentland demonstrates how people can be the drivers of economic success. This book is a must-read for skeptics and enthusiasts alike!" - Lorena Mathien, SUNY Buffalo State.
PART I: ECONOMIC REALITY AT THE SOCIETAL LEVEL. Chapter 1: The Great Detectives. Chapter 2: The Equity Myth. Chapter 3: Control Versus Freedom. Chapter 4: Handouts Versus a Helping Hand. Chapter 5: Intentions Versus Outcomes. Chapter 6: Dependency Versus Self-Reliance. Chapter 7: Creating Economic Smoke Screens. Chapter 8: Big Government and Authoritarian Politicians. Chapter 9: The Building Blocks for Economic Success. Chapter 10: Fake Economics Is a Misleading Ideology (Genuine Economics Is Reality) Chapter 11: Productivity Is the Key. PART II: ORGANIZATIONAL SUCCESS. Chapter 12: The Typical Employment Situation. Chapter 13: Fundamental Organizational Principles. Chapter 14: The Best Organizational Culture and Focusing on the Employees. Chapter 15: Which Type of Manager? Chapter 16: Organizational Survival. Chapter 17: Value Creation. Chapter 18: An Ultimate Workplace. Chapter 19: Make a Choice. Epilogue: The Economic/Political Spectrum. About the Author.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook979-8-88730-819-7

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