Stress and Quality of Working Life
Conceptualizing and Assessing Stress
Edited by:
Ana Maria Rossi, International Stress Management Association
James A. Meurs, University of Calgary
Pamela L. Perrewé, Florida State University
A volume in the series: Stress and Quality of Working Life. Editor(s): Ana Maria Rossi, International Stress Management Association. Charn P. McAllister, Northern Arizona University. Jeremy D. Mackey, Auburn University.
Published 2017
Work-related stress is costly not only to employees, but also to organizations and society. For example, it is estimated that work-related stress, depression, and anxiety costs British employers £1,035 per employee and that workplace stress costs the US economy up to $300 billion annually. However, elevated levels of stress often cannot be changed, and, if demands were not placed on employees, employee learning, organizational innovation, and societal economic growth would be hindered. Consequently, it is vital that occupational health practitioners, employees, employers and researchers strive to better understand and manage workplace stress, such that employee health and well-being can be improved.
This book can assist organizations and individuals as they encounter workplace stress. This edition highlights research done by 25 authors across 12 chapters that challenges how work stress is viewed and assessed. Additionally, a number of social and psychological influences on the stress experience are examined. Our beliefs and expectations of stress and its results, whether helpful or hurtful, can have a profound influence on our stress experiences. Also, the way that we approach our work (e.g., job crafting) or the treatment we receive from others (e.g., with dignity) can either mitigate or exacerbate any harmful or beneficial effects of stress. Moreover, how we assess the psychological (e.g., burnout and well-being) or physiological (e.g., cortisol) outcomes of stress are meaningful, and the proper diagnosis of stress (e.g., stress surveys) underlies our understanding. We hope that the findings reported in these chapters and the insights of these scholars will provide ways for you and/or your organization to improve the health and well-being of employees.
Foreword. Preface. SECTION I: CONCEPTUALIZATIONS OF STRESS AND WELLBEING. Every Light Casts a Shadow: Toward a Balanced Perspective on Positive Psychology at Work, Arla Day, E. Kevin Kelloway, and Stephanie Gilbert. Being Stressed About Stress: Do People’s Beliefs About Stress Matter? Nili Ben-Avi and Sharon Toker. The Cognitive Activation Theory of Stress (CATS) in Occupational Health, Hege R. Eriksen. Psychological Well-Being at Work: Where Are We and Where Do We Go From Here? Véronique Dagenais-Desmarais, Helenides Mendonça, Maria Cristina Ferreira, and André Savoie. SECTION II: SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL WORKPLACE FACTORS IN STRESS AND HEALTH. Job Crafting: A New Job Redesign Approach, Evangelia Demerouti. The Dignity of Labor: Dignity as a Core Resource, E. Kevin Kelloway. Presenteeism: Social Impact on Workers’ Health, Beatriz Machado de Campos Corrêa Silva, Sérgio Roberto de Lucca, and Aline Bedin Zanatta. Impact of Information and Communication Technologies on Interpersonal Relationships, Carolina Saraiva de Macedo Lisboa, André Verzoni, and Daniel Capelli Fulginiti. SECTION III: STRESS ASSESSMENT. Burnout and Its Impact on Mental Health, Roberta Rossi Grudtner. Stress and Sleep Disorders in Medical Practitioners, Elisabeth Araujo and Mônica Aidar Menon Miyake. Cortisol Rhythmicity and Levels in Brazilians Under Different Stressful Conditions, Dora Maria Grassi Kassisse. Assessing Workplace Stress: Diagnosing the Problem, Dorothy A. Simpson, Kimberly E. O’Brien, and Terry A. Beehr. About the Editors. About the Contributors.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook9781681239255
- SEL024000 - SELF HELP: Stress Management
- HEA038000 - HEALTH & FITNESS: Work-Related Health
- PSY036000 - PSYCHOLOGY: Mental Health
- Coping and Prevention
- Improving Employee Health and Well Being
- Stress and Quality of Working Life Current Perspectives in Occupational Health
- Stress and Quality of Working Life The Positive and The Negative
- Stress and Quality of Working Life Interpersonal and Occupation‐Based Stress
- Stress and Quality of Working Life Finding Meaning in Grief and Suffering
- Stress and Quality of Working Life Coping at Work and at Home