Students as Curriculum
William H. Schubert, University of Illinois at Chicago
Brian D. Schultz, Miami University
A volume in the series: Landscapes of Education. Editor(s): William H. Schubert, University of Illinois at Chicago. Ming Fang He, Georgia Southern University.
In Press 2025
This book explores possibilities for students to have a much greater role in curriculum than mere receivers of it. In fact, we suggest what happens when students are the curriculum. We draw upon our scholarship (theory, practice, and praxis) over the years to show how educational experiences can be invigorated and embodied when students ask the what’s worthwhile questions, joining teachers as fellow curricularists, action researchers, and practical inquirers, to engage in creative insubordination that refines the theories within (and among) them through lifelong education. Such educational experience stems from listening carefully to students and creates meaning because it is of and by students, and therefore more genuinely for them. It is cultural experience writ large because it draws on curricula of educational experience from many spheres of life (outside of school and in school) to continuously reconstruct who and what they are. It draws on teacher and student lore and is improvisational, pedagogically pivoting, adapting, and emerging. It finds new spaces, crevices, and cracks wherein students continuously re-create themselves – the curriculum that they are becoming.
This book includes previously published articles and book chapters by William H. Schubert and Brian D. Schultz. The authors include dialogic interludes between chapters to introduce, reflect on, and connect the chapters and their theorizing.
Preface and Acknowledgments. Dialogic Introduction, William H. Schubert and Brian D. Schultz. Students as Curriculum, William H. Schubert and Brian D. Schultz. What Is Worthwhile: From Knowing and Needing to Being and Sharing? William H. Schubert. Excerpt From Spectacular Things Happen Along the Way: Lessons From an Urban Classroom, Brian D. Schultz. Teacher Education as Theory Development, William H. Schubert. Navigating Curricular Controversies, Teaching in the Cracks, and Threshold Concepts, Brian D. Schultz. Toward Curricula That Are Of, By, and Therefore for Students, William H. Schubert and Ann Lynn Lopez Schubert. Curricular Possibilities: Listening to, Hearing, and Learning From Students, Brian D. Schultz. Curriculum as Cultural Experience in Student Lives, William H. Schubert and Ann L. Schubert. Of Kids and Cokes: Learning From, With, and Alongside Children, Brian D. Schultz. On the Practical Value of Practical Inquiry for Teachers and Students, William H. Schubert. Teacher Lore: A Basis for Understanding Praxis, William H. Schubert. Pedagogical Pivoting, Emergent Curriculum, and Knowledge Production, Brian D. Schultz and Stephanie Pearson. Teacher and Student Lore: Their Ways of Looking at It, William H. Schubert. A Shorty Teaching Teachers: Student Insight and Perspective on “Keeping It Real” in the Classroom, Brian D. Schultz and Paris Banks. Students as Action Researchers: Historical Precedent and Contradiction, William H. Schubert. Teaching in the Cracks: Student Engagement Through Social Action Curriculum Projects, Brian D. Schultz, Jennifer McSurley, and Milli Salguero. Outside Curriculum and Public Pedagogy, William H. Schubert. Curriculum in the Making: Theory, Practice, and Social Action Curriculum Projects, Brian D. Schultz and Jon Baricovich. The Curriculum-Curriculum: Experiences in Teaching Curriculum, William H. Schubert. Perspectives on Educational Evaluation From Curricular Contexts, William H. Schubert. References. Permissions and Licenses. About the Authors.
Web price: $62.04 (Reg. 72.99)
Web price: $89.24 (Reg. 104.99)
- eBook979-8-88730-840-1

- EDU007000 - EDUCATION: Curricula
- EDU037000 - EDUCATION: Research
- EDU029100 - EDUCATION: TEACHING METHODS & MATERIALS: General: Methods & Strategies
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