Studies in Leading and Organizing Schools
Edited by:
Cecil Miskel, University of Michigan
Wayne K. Hoy, The Ohio State University
A volume in the series: Research and Theory in Educational Administration. Editor(s): Arnold B. Danzig, San José State University. William R. Black, University of South Florida.
Published 2003
This volume provides a mix of beginning and established scholars and a range of theoretical perspectives. Eight separate but related analyses were selected for publication this year. The book begins with a chapter by Sims and Miskel, which examines national reading policy as part of a broader federal government agenda on children’s literacy. Using a model of punctuated equilibrium, they trace the peaks of congressional and media attention to literacy. Their findings reveal that the broad level of literacy has remained a rather active and durable policy issue for more than three decades. When, however, the analysis shifts to different targets, that is, from elementary and secondary school students to adults and youth to LEP individuals, there are distinct patterns of punctuation and equilibrium. The researchers conclude that the specific issue of children’s literacy in the 1990s is the latest version or episode of literacy policy produced by shifting images and venues.
About the Authors. Editors’ Comments. Wayne K. Hoy and Cecil Miskel. The Punctuated Equilibrium of National Reading Policy: Literacy’s Changing Images and Venues. Celia Sims and Cecil Miskel. Productive Campus Leadership Responses to Accountability: Principals as Policy Mediators. Linda Skrla. Sources and Consequences of Organic Management in Elementary and Secondary Schools. Robert J. Miller and Brian Rowan. Principals Respond to the School Environment with Fluidity, Alignment, Vigilance, and Fear. Janice R Fauske and Bob L. Johnson, Jr. A River Runs Through It: Tacit Knowledge in Educational Administration. Nancy S. Nestor-Baker. Fostering Organizational Citizenship in Schools: Transformational Leadership and Trust. Megan Tschannen-Moran. The Conceptualization and Measurement of Faculty Trust in Schools: The Omnibus T-Scale. Wayne K. Hoy and Megan Tschannen-Moran. Investing in Teacher Quality: A Framework for Estimating the Cost of Teacher Professional Development. Jennifer King Rice.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook9781607526711

Analyzing School Contexts Influences of Principals and Teachers in the Service of Students
Contemporary Challenges Confronting School Leaders
Leadership and School Quality
Leading Research in Educational Administration A Festschrift for Wayne K. Hoy
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