Teachers Engaged in Research
Inquiry into Mathematics Classrooms, Grades 9-12
Edited by:
Laura R. Van Zoest, Western Michigan University
A volume in the series: Teachers Engaged in Research. Editor(s): Denise S. Mewborn, University of Georgia.
Published 2006
This book provides examples of the ways in which 9-12 grade mathematics teachers from across North America are engaging in research. It offers a glimpse of the questions that capture the attention of teachers, the methodologies that they use to gather data, and the ways in which they make sense of what they find. The focus of these teachers’ investigations into mathematics classrooms ranges from students’ understanding of content to pedagogical changes to social issues. Underlying the chapters is the common goal of enabling students to develop a deep understanding of the mathematics they learn in their classrooms.
Introduction to the Series, Marilyn Cochran-Smith. Introduction to the 9–12 Volume, Laura R. Van Zoest. Probability Simulation: What a Teaching Experiment Revealed About Student Reasoning and Beliefs, Gwendolyn Zimmermann. Student Understanding of the Concept of Limit in a Technological Environment, William J. Harrington. Using Research to Analyze, Inform, and Assess Changes in Instruction, Heather J. Robinson. From Teachers’ Conversations to Students’ Mathematical Communications, Florence Glanfield, Ann Oviatt and Darlene Bazcuk. Lessons Teachers Can Learn About Students’ Mathematical Understanding Through Conversations With Them About Their Thinking: Implications for Practice, Craig Huhn, Kellie Huhn, and Peg Lamb. Navigating the Learning Curve: Learning to Teach Mathematics Through Lesson Study, John Carter, Robert Gammelgaard, and Michelle Pope. Learning From Elementary School Mathematics Research: Changes in the Beliefs and Practices of Secondary School Teachers, Scott Hendrickson and Sharon Christensen, with Vicki Lyons and Adrianne Olson. Giving Voice to Success in Mathematics Class, P. Janelle McFeetors. Exploring Culture and Pedagogy in Mathematics Class Through Student Interviews, Jesse Solomon. Teaching Mathematics With Problems: What One Teacher Learned Through Research, Nicole Garcia and Patricio G. Herbst. Refreshing Mathematics Instruction Through Motion, Technology, and a Research Collaboration, Apolinário Barros and Dorina Sackman. Collaborating to Investigate and Improve Classroom Mathematics Discourse, Maureen Grant and Rebecca McGraw. Professional Development as a Catalyst for Classroom Change, Michael Verkaik and Beth Ritsema.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook9781607526612

- MAT030000 - MATHEMATICS: Study & Teaching
- MAT027000 - MATHEMATICS: Research
- EDU000000 - EDUCATION: General
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