The Challenge of School Reform
Implementation, Impact, and Sustainability
Edited by:
Lewis C. Solmon, The Milken Family Foundation
Kimberly Firetag Agam, The Milken Family Foundation
Citadelle Priagula, The Milken Family Foundation
A volume in the series: The Milken Family Foundation Series on Education Policy. Editor(s): Lewis C. Solmon, The Milken Family Foundation.
Published 2008
This work expands on the ideas and themes discussed in the first two volumes in this series on education policy: The first book — Talented Teachers: The Essential Force for Improving Student Achievement — examines the importance of teacher quality. Years of research have repeatedly confirmed what we inferred to be true—outside of the home environment, the quality of a student’s teacher has the strongest impact on learning. After talented teachers were found to be a powerful component for bettering education, the second book — Improving Student Achievement: Reforms that Work — introduces reform ideas and programs that positively impact both teacher quality and student work. Now, The Challenges of School Reform: Implementation, Impact, and Sustainability deepens these discussions by exploring the answers to questions regarding ensuring the longevity and sustained success of effective school reform.
Acknowledgments. Introduction, Lewis C. Solmon, Kimberly Firetag Agam, and Citadelle Priagula. PART I: THE CHALLENGES OF SCHOOL REFORM. The Challenges of School Reform: Implementation, Impact and Sustainability, Lowell Milken, Anthony Amato, Congressman Chaka Fattah, Jennifer A. Marshall, Thomas W. Payzant, Ray Simon, and Paul G. Vallas. Presentation by Congressman Ralph Regula. PART II: NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND (NCLB). Presentation by Margaret Spellings, Secretary of Education, United States Department of Education. Meeting the Requirements of No Child Left Behind, Lewis C. Solmon, Antonia Cortese, David P. Driscoll, Nina Shokaraii Rees, and Andrew Rotherham. Panel Contributions. NCLB: Its Problems, Its Promise, Antonia Cortese. Remarks Before the Midwest Equity Assistance Center, Nina Shokaraii Rees. Hopes and Hazards: No Child Left Behind and Low-Performing Public Schools, Andrew Rotherham. PART III: TEACHER QUALITY. The Teacher Advancement Program, Tamara W. Schiff. Presentation by Senator Mary Landrieu. Intersection of Performance Pay and Professional Development, Kristan Van Hook, T. Kenneth James, Cecil J. Picard, Alice Seagren, Lewis C. Solmon, and J. Todd White. Panel Contributions. Encouraging Teachers to Invest Paying Off for Louisiana, Cecil J. Picard. Should We Pay and Train Teachers Differently? Alice Seagren and Ken Wolf. Teacher Quality Key for School Reform, Lowell Milken and Lewis C. Solmon. PART IV: FRAMING THE FUTURE: PRE-K THROUGH HIGHER EDUCATION. Early Childhood: The Proper Path for the Future, Stephen Goldsmith, Libby Doggett, Ron Haskins, Sharon Lynn Kagan, Dennis Vicars, and Elanna Yalow. Shaping K-12 Education, Presentation by Governor Tim Pawlenty. Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act, J. Ted Sanders, Guilbert C. Hentschke, Sally L. Stroup, Ben Wildavsky, Susan Tave Zelman. Panel Contributions. Closing Achievement Gaps, Ron Haskins and Cecilia Rouse. Ohio’s Approach to High Quality Teaching, Susan Tave Zelman. Conference Presenters’ Bios.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook9781607525639
- EDU015000 - EDUCATION: Higher
- EDU037000 - EDUCATION: Research
- Developing an Intersectional Consciousness and Praxis Moving Toward Antiracist Efforts in Higher Education
- How Stakeholders Can Support Teacher Quality
- Improving Student Achievement Reforms that Work
- Inclusion Diversity Equity & Access
- Mentoring Doctoral Students in Higher Education An International Perspective
- Mentoring for Wellbeing in Higher Education
- Talented Teachers The Essential Force for Improving Student Acheivement