The Young Adolescent and the Middle School
Edited by:
Steven B. Mertens, Illinois State University
Vincent A. Anfara Jr., University of Tennessee
Micki M. Caskey, Portland State University
A volume in the series: The Handbook of Research in Middle Level Education. Editor(s): Steven B. Mertens, Illinois State University. Micki M. Caskey, Portland State University.
Published 2007
(Sponsored by the Middle Level Education Research SIG and the National Middle School Association)
The Young Adolescent and the Middle School focuses on issues related to the nature of young adolescence and the intersection of young adolescence with middle level schooling.
This volume of the Handbook of Research in Middle Level Education marks the sixth installment in the series. The Handbook series, begun in 2001 by Vince Anfara, the series editor, has addressed varying thematic issues important to middle level education research. This volume, The Young Adolescent and the Middle School, focuses on the unique developmental needs of young adolescents and the role of the middle school in attending to these needs. The contributing authors in this volume address one of three developmental areas critical to young adolescents—physical development, intellectual/cognitive development, or social and personal development—and how these developmental characteristics affect the educational environment and the organization of middle schools.
Introduction, Vincent A. Anfara, Jr., Steven B. Mertens, and Micki M. Caskey. Health Promoting, High Performing Middle Level Schools: The
Interrelationships and Integration of Health and Education for Young Adolescent Success and Well-Being, Peter F. Mulhall. “Put Me In, Coach”: The
Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity for Young Adolescents, Leslee A. Fisher and Melissa N. Madeson. Under Construction: The Young Adolescent
Brain, Micki M. Caskey and Barbara Ruben. Language Factors in Literacy Achievement of Young Adolescents, Francine Falk-Ross. Student Perceptions of Curriculum Integration and Community: “Always Give Me a Chance to Shine,” Penny A. Bishop, Garet Allen-Malley, and Kathleen Brinegar. Gifted Learners in the Middle Grades: In Search of Equity and Excellence, Carol Ann Tomlinson and Maureen Murphy. Socratic Seminar and Young Adolescent Motivation: A Developmentally Appropriate Practice, Molly M. Mee. The Interface of School and Family in Meeting the Belonging Needs of Young Adolescents, Lynley H. Anderman and Valerie S. Leake. The Unique Nature of Middle School Counseling, Patrick Akos. Aligning Student Self and Identity Concerns with Middle School Practices, Thomas M. Brinthaupt, Richard P. Lipka, and Monica A. Wallace. Recognizing and Responding to Young
Adolescents’ Ethnic Identity Development, A Glimpse into the School Lives of Young Adolescent Immigrant and
Refugee Students: Implications for the Middle Level, David C. Virtue. Considering Single-Sex Academic Classes for Young Adolescents: Time Flies When
You’re Having Fun, Frances R. Spielhagen. Examining the Transition from Middle School to High School: Translating Research into Practice, Joshua Smith and Sungtaek Lim. Suicide, Schools, and the Young Adolescent, Teresa J. Rishel. Middle School Teacher Qualities: Looking for Signs of Dignity and Democracy, Mark D. Vagle. A Schoolwide Approach to Promoting Young Adolescent Social and Behavioral Success in Middle School, Chris Borgmeier.
Web price: $62.04 (Reg. 72.99)
Web price: $89.24 (Reg. 104.99)
- eBook9781607527275
- Common Planning Time in Middle Level Schools Research Studies from the MLER SIG’s National Project
- Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Intersecting New Needs and New Approaches
- Equity & Cultural Responsiveness in the Middle Grades
- Health and Well-Being in the Middle Grades Research for Effective Middle Level Education
- Preparing Middle Level Educators for 21st Century Schools Enduring Beliefs, Changing Times, Evolving Practices
- Research on Teaching and Learning with the Literacies of Young Adolescents
- Voices from the Middle Narrative Inquiry By, For and About the Middle Level Community