Transforming Educator Preparation for Changing Times
Edited by:
Robert D. Muller, National Louis University
A volume in the series: Advances in Teacher Education. Editor(s): Diane Yendol-Hoppey, University of North Florida. David T. Hoppey, University of North Florida. Jennifer L. Snow, Boise State University. Jennifer Jacobs, University of South Florida.
Published 2024
This edited volume explores the progress, challenges, and future prognoses of educator preparation programs (preK-12 and higher education) in the U.S. Using examples drawn from a large, urban-centered college of education, the book provides practical guidance and insights regarding teacher preparation and educational leadership. Edited by former NLU Dean, Robert Muller and authored by NLU National College of Education faculty, the chapters explore how programs that prepare novice teachers, provide advancement opportunities for practicing educators, and develop education leaders have adapted to serve the needs of contemporary school institutions. This work is particularly timely given the myriad challenges facing the nation’s teacher and education leader preparation pipeline, and the critical role colleges of education play in addressing those needs.
Primarily focused on leading institutional change in a large, metropolitan college of education, this work will be of interest to colleges of education leaders and faculty, PK-12 and higher education teachers and leaders, policy makers, and the broader teacher preparation and educator development field. Founded in the 1880s, the Chicago-based National College of Education (NCE) at National Louis University serves approximately 3,000 educators annually in its initial and advanced teacher preparation and educational leadership programs. For its commitments to diversity, inclusion and equity within transformative higher education, National Louis University was recognized as a top 20 school in Washington Monthly’s 2022 National University Rankings.
The book is divided into four major sections: Prepare: The authors explore how a college of education has approached equipping novice teachers for success as they enter the teaching profession. It focuses on the transformation of initial teacher preparation programs to meet the needs of contemporary schools and districts, and profiles the programmatic initiatives to make those changes. Advance: The authors describe programs that support teachers as they advance in their careers, and the role of continuing graduate education in developing exemplary educators. Lead: The authors address the challenges facing education leaders and adapting their professional development to equip them to lead. It explores efforts to develop a cadre of leaders across education systems with the requisite knowledge and habits of mind to lead amidst unprecedented change. Building the Institution: The authors address several key cross cutting processes that support transformation efforts, including strategy development and implementation, partnership development, technology deployment, human capital development and data utilization.
Preface and Acknowledgments, Robert D. Muller. Why Examine Educator Preparation Through an Institutional Lens, Robert D. Muller. Connecting Vision, Strategy, and Operations: The Practice of Adaptive Leadership, Robert D. Muller. SECTION I: PREPARE. The Pedagogical Paradigm Shift: Reshaping Candidates’ Instructional and Clinical Experiences, Shannon S. Hammond and Brian Morris. A New Model for Undergraduate Teacher Preparation, Lisa Downey and Neal Green. Growing High-Impact Residency and Alternative Licensure Programs and Pathways, Lee Tate and Kavita Venkatesh. Implementing Digital Learning Opportunities in an Early Childhood Teacher Residency Program, Xiaoli Wen, Emily Hoffman, and Ayn Keneman. SECTION II: ADVANCE. Developing a Learning Sciences Education Program, Katalin Pluymert and Karen Tardrew. Creating Multiple Pathways for Teacher Advancement, Hyeju Han and Suzanne Martinez. Collaborating With Districts to Prepare Equity-Minded Bilingual Reading Specialists, Sophie Degener and Jason Stegemoller. Transformative Social-Emotional Learning and Wellness for All: Intentional Preparation for Educators, Katalin Pluymert and Jennifer Engelland-Schultz. SECTION III: LEAD. Developing Change Leaders in a Constantly Changing Educational Landscape: A Delivery Approach to Meet the Needs of Students and the Field, Stuart I. Carrier and Elizabeth Covay Minor. Utilizing Principal Coaches to Co-Develop an Effective Equity-Focused Strategy for a Large Urban School District, Harrington V. Gibson and Gloria McDaniel-Hall. Learning Communities as a High-Impact Practice to Support Doctoral Students, Jaclyn Rivard, Melanie Flores, Estee Hernández, and Christine Nelson. A Leadership Imperative: Responding to Emerging Needs of Educational Partners, Renee L. Gugel and Carla L. Sparks. SECTION IV: BUILDING THE INSTITUTION. Breaking Out of the Ruts: The Promise of University–School Partnerships, Elizabeth Mehringer and Harry Ross. Supporting Practitioner Research in PK–12 and University Contexts, Terry Jo Smith and Shaunti Knauth. Assessment and Accreditation: Making Them Work for Your College, Instead of Your College Working for Them, Pamela Jessee and Alexandra Whitley. Moving Through the Continuum of Online Learning in the National College of Education, Christopher J. Lilly and Geri A. Chesner. About the Contributors. Index.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook979-8-88730-655-1
- EDU032000 - EDUCATION: Leadership
- EDU053000 - EDUCATION: Training & Certification
- EDU046000 - EDUCATION: Professional Development
- (Re)Designing Programs: A Vision for Equity-Centered, Clinically Based Teacher Preparation
- Collaboration, Narrative, and Inquiry That Honor the Complexity of Teacher Education
- Cultivating Democratic Literacy Through the Arts Guiding Preservice Teachers Towards Innovative Learning Spaces in ELA Classrooms
- Exemplary Clinical Models of Teacher Education
- Pathways Into Teacher Education Profiles of Emerging Teacher Educator Development
- Preparing the Next Generation of Teacher Educators for Clinical Practice
- Professional Learning Journeys of Teacher Educators