Whole Work
Developing Tomorrow's Truly Global Leaders
In the landmark book Future Shock (1970), renowned futurist Alvin Toffler made the case that organizations and their employees would benefit greatly from proactive practices to reach out and humanize distant tomorrows. Now, with globalization the defining business trend of our time, WHOLE WORK: Developing Tomorrow's Truly Global Leaders defines how the path to enlightened organizational development must evolve for the 21st century. This book proposes that, around the world, there is a latent but potent collective image emerging of the ideal organization of the future, what works in change management; and effective leadership. Drawing on interviews with managers in 40-plus countries, WHOLE WORK describes a new integrated and holistic model of organizations; defines the global mindset, traits and behaviors required of managers who lead these organizations; acknowledges specific organizational barriers; and outlines approaches that profoundly shift organizational outlook.
From core theoretical perspectives on leadership to the realities of modern change management, WHOLE WORK provides a framework for the development of more successful global organizations and managers. This book will interest and serve executives, as well as provide practical assessments and implementation tools to Human Resource and Organizational Development practitioners and scholars charged with supporting and guiding their clients and students.
Introduction - The Meaning of Whole Work and Truly Global Leaders; SECTION I: Distilling from Centuries of Leadership Learning, Trends and Fads; 20th Century Breakthroughs - The Dawn of Modern Organizational Development, Re-crafting and Re-framing in the Age of Globalization; SECTION II: The What and Why of Wholeness, Deep Conversations with Managers Around the World, A Theory of E-vergence; SECTION III: Patterns: the Power of Tapping Collective Mind; Three Themes - Imagining the Ideal Organization of the Future, Great Change and Bad Change, Leaderliness and the New Hybrid Leader; SECTION IV: What if Everybody Wants "It?" - Organizational Barriers that Get in the Way, Engaging People and Overcoming Impediments, Special Cases: from America to Africa, What Countries and Cultures Can Learn About and From Each Other; SECTION V: Calling on Change Agents - Practical and Tested Methods, The Vanguard Role for HR and OD Consultants, Coaches and Facilitators; SECTION VI: Tools - Assessments and Audits; APPENDIX: References, Resources and Research Approaches. About the Author. Glossary. Index.