Service-Learning for Diverse Communities
Critical Pedagogy and Mentoring English Language Learners
Kerry L. Purmensky, University of Central Florida
Published 2009
This book on service-learning for pre-service teachers learning (TESOL) techniques addresses the needs of the ELLs in the United States - the fastest growing segment of the United States population. Our schools and communities are greatly Impacted by this changing population. This book details a highly effective service-learning project which assists preservice teachers in learning the value of critical pedagogy, and how mentoring ELLa can improve TESOL techniques, impact schools, and empower ELL using the National ESOL Standards. It does It In such a way that it could be replicated and Implemented effortlessly in any educational facility that is training teachers In TESOL or has ELLs, and wants to create partnerships in the community.
The focus of this work, though, is not just to detail a project that addresses Federal and State Standards. Critical pedagogy is an approach to the classroom which encourages students to question current practices and thinking in their world. This book is designed to help readers understand how students in Service-Learning projects can learn to think critically about issues related to our growing diverse communities, to become strong advocates in empowering their ELLs to become contributing members of the community, and to alter their thinking about their role as a teacher In our society. It is essential that our higher education programs develop teachers who can work successfully in these communities, think critically about how our culture responds to cultural diversity, and develop partnerships which empower all members of the community.
Acknowledgments. Preface. PART I: SERVICE-LEARNING AS A PEDAGOGICAL MODEL 1 Model Standards in Service-Learning. 2 Service-Learning for Pre-Service Teacher TESOL Training. 3 Service-Learning Meets the ESOL Standards. 4 ESOL Standards Infusion in Teacher Training Programs. 5 Linguistic Concepts for the Pre-service Teacher: Knowledge and Application. PART II: CRITICAL ASSESSMENT WITHIN THE SERVICE-LEARNING MODEL 6 Critical Reflection through Technology. 7 Critical Pedagogy within the Service-Learning Model. 8 Critical Assessment within the Service-Learning Model. References. A Sample Syllabus. B Sample Sign-up Materials for Schools. C Service-Learning Literacy Strategies: ELLs in Elementary Education. D Student Survey. Author's Notes
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook9781607521990
- EDU015000 - EDUCATION: Higher
- EDU037000 - EDUCATION: Research
- Developing an Intersectional Consciousness and Praxis Moving Toward Antiracist Efforts in Higher Education
- Ethical Considerations for Research and Practice in the Human Sciences
- Inclusion Diversity Equity & Access
- Mentoring Doctoral Students in Higher Education An International Perspective
- Mentoring for Wellbeing in Higher Education
- Middle Grades Research Journal Volume 13 #4
- Students as Curriculum