Advances in Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices

This book series is focused on the self-study of teaching and teacher education practices. Teacher educators’ observations, explorations, and inquiries are important as they offer access to the intricacies of teaching and learning about teaching and shape the nature of teacher education itself. This research emerged from groundbreaking work done in the early 1990s by a group of teacher educators who founded the S-STEP special interest group of the American Educational Research Association. Self-study research is initiated and conducted by teacher educators, teachers, and other practitioners who study their own practice to contribute to professional learning, ways of knowing, and knowledge generation. It has come to entail specific methodological components, including self-reflexivity, interaction with others, systematic and transparent process, and improvement-aimed exemplars.

As Loughran (2020) wrote in the foreword to the second International Handbook Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices (Kitchen et al., 2020), this field is focused on “teacher educators genuinely seeking to better align their pedagogical intents and actions in order to lead more thoughtful and informed teaching and learning about teaching” (p. vi). Since then, the field of self-study research and the self-study research community have continued to evolve and grow in new ways across wide-ranging educational and professional contexts; allowing for an exploration of a diverse range of theoretical frameworks, methodologies, content areas, socially just commitments, and teacher education practices. This series invites novice and more seasoned teacher educators, teachers, and other practitioners to examine their teaching and teacher education practices in diverse and innovative ways as a means of continuing to expand the field of teacher education and teacher development.