Contemporary Issues in Accreditation, Assessment, and Program Evaluation Research in Educator Preparation
This series will provide opportunities for reflecting on political and social drivers affecting current efforts to reform teacher education through discussions of research and program evaluation inquiries which explore educator effectiveness in diverse state and institutional contexts. By considering ways in which researchers have investigated educator preparation within the context of increased expectations in accreditation and program approval, the series will contribute to conversations on how to best facilitate faculty engagement in re-imagining and reforming the preparation of educators, will share strategies for aligning curriculum, assessment, and accreditation requirements, and add to the public’s understanding of research initiatives within the field of educator preparation.
The series will be comprehensive in addressing research focusing not only on aspects of teacher preparation for K-12 schools, but also on preparation of educational leaders and service professionals, and on the quality, reform, and effectiveness of programs for educators seeking advanced preparation. Topic within the series may include (a) research examining implementation and analysis of new curricular innovations, assessments, or practices within educator preparation, (b) inquires focusing on faculty engagement, resistance, and participation in accreditation and program approval processes, (c) analysis of the impact of policy changes on educator preparation, and (d) impact of reform drivers such as nationally funded centers on curriculum innovation and program effectiveness. The intended audience of this series will include university faculty, researchers, and administrators in traditional educator preparation institutions as well as school district level mentors, alternative program providers, and policy makers at state and federal levels.
For more information about the series or one of the upcoming volumes, contact the Series Editor.
Series Editor
Joyce Many, Georgia State University

Effectively Using Data for Educator Preparation Program Improvement
Christine Carrino Gorowara, University of Delaware; Erica M. Brownstein, Independent Consultant; Timothy Wall, Northwest Missouri State University

Linking Teacher Preparation Program Design and Implementation to Outcomes for Teachers and Students
Jennifer E. Carinci, American Association for the Advancement of Science; Stephen J. Meyer, RMC Research Corporation; Cara Jackson, Bellwether Education Partners
- Applied Creativity for Practitioners
- Contemporary Perspectives on Black Homeschooling
- Contemporary Perspectives on Learning Environments
- Contemporary Perspectives on Problem-Based Learning
- Contemporary Perspectives Through Action Research Across Educational Disciplines
- Contemporary Research in Education
- Current Perspectives on School/University/Community Research
- Current Research in Rural and Regional Education
- Evaluation and Society
- Journal of Research on Organization in Education
- Out-of-School-Time STEM Programs for Females: Implications for Research and Practice
- Research Focus on Education and Sport
- Research in Life Writing and Education
- Research, Innovation & Methods in Educational Technology
- Research, Theory, and Practice Within Academic Affairs
- Survey Methods in Educational Research
- Teacher Induction Research, Policy, and Practice: A Global Perspective
- Theory to Practice: Educational Psychology for Teachers and Teaching